"I'm not sure you do?" Liam asked in obvious confusion.

I sighed in annoyance. "Just forget it, so about the party, it's on Friday. Tons of beer, tons of booty, tons of fun. Be there at 11, mate." I concluded, giving his back a pat again.

"Will do." He nodded, grabbing his coffee cup and walking towards the door.



"So?" I asked once he returned to the table.

Louis shrugged. "He says they're Fuck buddies and have been casually dating for months..."

"That asshole." I shook my head. "I know him and Kira aren't exclusive but why lie? I don't get it. Liars suck."

"I know right?" Louis spoke as he sipped his drink.


"I love you babe. I hope you're not mad at me about anything," I spoke into the screen.

Harry's eyes scrunched in mild confusion as he spoke. "I'm not sure what you mean but I'm not upset with you. How have you been?"

I rolled my eyes. "Uh, I have to tell you about this Liam character." I said, going into details about all the drama surrounding that situation and he just looked at me with the same expression throughout until finally I couldn't keep telling the story.


"Nothing. You're just beautiful." He smiled. "You make me happy."

"Quit." I blushed, looking away from the phone for a few seconds.

"Why? It's true."

"How did I ever find someone like you?" I asked with a small laugh.

"I ask myself that about you all the time." He smiled, that genuine smile where one dimple pops out and it's a side grin.

"I really wanna see you." I said. "Please? I know we're busy but it's worth it."

"Today? I don't- I don't know I have an essay due in a couple days and I barely have time to FaceTime right now babe," he said and I nodded in sadness.

"I'm sorry." He added with a smile.

"It's whatever Harry. I'll let you go." I said, clicking the off button before he had a chance to respond.

Seconds later my phone beeped with a message.

"I love you. I'll be at your dorm tomorrow at 5. You're right it's worth it it." The message from Harry read.


I smiled brightly, hugging Harry tight when he opened the door to my dorm room at 4:57pm the next day.

"Babyyyy." I squealed, gripping him in a huge hug and kissing his cheek.

"Hi," He laughed, returning the hug before setting his stuff down on the counter.

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