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As I got out the car, I grabbed my warm-up jacket ,and headed in with Jasmine and Klay. The second we walked in "The Grill", everyone erupted into cheers. "Aye the bigman Klay in here taking us to the Semifinals,"Marcus yelled. "Yo we all did it,"Klay said smiling. As we weaved through the crowd to get to Klay's table , everyone had kept stopping Klay to congratulate him. When we finally made it to his table we sat down ,and three more people joined us. On one side of the booth sat Jasmine,Nick(klay's teammate),and Tyler. On the other side sat Marcus, Klay, and I. I chose to sit on the inside of the booth. As we sat and looked at the menu everyone was having small talk about the game and what to expect at the next one. Soon a waitress came by to take our orders. "Hi I'm Sierra and I'll be taking your order," she said. "Alright we will take 60 wings half buffalo other half regular, 40 extra cheesy cheese sticks,4 the special burgers, and two Cesar salads for the cheerleaders," Marcus said. "And for drinks?"Sierra asked. "I'll take kool-aid, Shanaiya and Jasmine will take water, and the other boys will have a sprite," Klay said. "Can I get anything else for you Mr.sexy,"Sierra said, while bending over putting her chest in Marcus and Klay's view. "Yes honey you can put on some more clothes, and go get our drinks and food before we have a problem, " I said as calmly as I could. "Oh y...es.. I'll be on my way" she said flustered. "Damn Naiya!"Marcus hollered. "What I mean she was just trying to get with Klay when we're just trying to eat and chill" I simply said. "Is lil mama getting jealous,"Nick said. "No I'm not," I said starting to get agitated. "Nahhh man she lying , she jealous as fuck," Tyler said. Soon everyone at the table except for Klay was getting on me about being jealous , even though I really wasn't. Even Jasmine my own best friend was making fun of me with the boys. About 2 minutes later of them going on about it I got really mad and climbed out the booth, running of to the bathroom. "You guys are so wrong for that, you went and hurt my lil baby's feelings." Klay said getting up to run after me.
As I cried in the bathroom I heard a knock. "Go away," I cried. "Nini,babygirl let me in"Klay said."No,you sat there and didn't say anything"I said. "Nini I'm sor" "No don't call me Nini " I whimpered. After sitting there for two minutes, Klay finally decided to come in,realizing that the door was unlocked. When he came in he found me sitting on the floor sobbing. As he walked over to me ,he sat down and placed his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. "Shanaiya Arielle Smith, my bestest friend in the world, who I love so much , so strong, and independent. Why would you let those fools get to you?" Klay softly said. "Because..." "Because what?"he said. "I hate jealous females,I hate being considered one , you know that," I said beginning to cry again."Naiya , it's okay to be jealous. It's shows how much you care for me. So what ? They know your best friend for life, so it shouldn't matter. " Klay said. " Boy I don't care for you ," I said laughing. "Girl don't lie to me" Klay said. "I love you so much klaybear " I said. "I love you too,"he said. "Alright let's go back and eat cause I know your hungry," I said. " Ight lil mama" he said. "Aye I'm not that little," I said. Even though I'm 5'3 and he's 6'7 I don't like to be called short. As we walked back to our table, everyone was having small talk while eating. When they saw Klay and I come back they looked up. "We're sorry for saying what we said"Jasmine said. "It's cool" I said , digging into my salad. For the rest of the night we celebrated;we ate,drinked,and danced. When the dj played Hispanic music I started to dance with Jasmine. As mixed girls we know how to move out hips, so you know we started to get down. "look at Jas working," Marcus yelled. As I continued to move to the music I felt an arm wrap around me. As I turned around I saw it was Klay. "Damn mami,I always love when you dance," he said whispering in my ear. " I know," I said continuing to dance on him.  And for the rest of the night I danced with my best friend celebrating his big win.
Hey lovelies, Hope you enjoyed another chapter . I promise to start making chapters a bit longer. Please give any ideas. Like,comment,and vote

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