chapter 1 - once bitten

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"well run drew" drews dads said and laughed as she almost hit a wall.drew was late...again. that nightmare kept her up all night again. the one where she killed sarah and jane her worst enemys. there was so much blood. drew shoke her head and ran down the street. she lived one block away from the school and she usuallly walked. but today she was gonna be llate. she ran even faster. she could see the school and the gates were about to close. she ran as fast as she could and jumped...she flew over the 10 foot gate with ease and landed with a perfect score. she saw the janitor staring at her but she didnt care she ran into the building and up the stairs. she flew into the door of the 8th grade homeroom class and sat down just as the teacher walked in.

"well that was a close one mis.popstar" mrss smith said with a smile. kara and drake laughed at her like usual. they were her best friends. drake had short black hair and green eyes while kara had long blonde hair with black eyes, you would never believe that there brother and sister. the only thing they have in comon is there tan skin, and she sat next to them in the back. drew on the other hand has kinda tan skin with greenish blue eyes and long brown crazy puffy hair.

"what didnt have enough time to drees proparly" jane said. she and sarahsnorted then did there littel finger sizel. drew looked at her outfit. baggy black pants and a green tied back tee with black skater shoes.

"uh shut the hell up" drew whispered and laughed when jane gasped. the rest of the day was pretty plain classes were boring and drew got yelled at for being to loud. but she didnt care today was the last day of school and she was looking forward to summer break.

"lunch was so unfufilling im still huungry" kara said with a laugh

"well llittle miss pig why dont you go eat the garbage" sarah said and high fived jane. drake leaned over them and took a sip of his water bottle. he swirled it around in his mouth and spit on the girls

"oh my bad because of you ugly faces the water didnt want to stay down" drake said just as the bell rang. drew and kara laughed all the way out of the classroom. they started there walk to drop drew of on her street.

"well i call you later" kara said as they waved to drew from her stop sign. they turned left and started to walk home. drew watched them till they disapeared behind the big white houses. drew walked down her street looking at the other big houses and there perfect lawns. she laughed as she saw her house. it was a dark brown two story with rose bushes and a weeping williow in the front yard. was the complete opposite of the other houses. when drew was about three houses away from hers she saw somthing come out of the woods on the other side of the street. a giant wolf about the size of a small horse. it walked towards her. it was a light shade of brown with a black star over its right eye. for some reason drew felt like she knew who it was and felt safe, so she didnt run away.

"drew my little girl" a voice said in drews head that sounded like her dads

"d-dad" drew thought back

"yes sweety.....ive been hiding this for a long time but i am a wearwolf...the blood flows threw you to" her dads voice said in her head again. the wlf was starring into drews eyes and they were a amazing shade of hazel.

"d-dad" drew said and hugged the giant wolf. the wolf liked her face. drews eyes locked onto somthing sticking out of the creatures side. drew went to touch it but the growl of her dad stopped her.

"dont...i dont have much time left" the voice said. the wolf layed on the grass closest to the woods. drew bent down and hugged her dad. tears flooded her eyes.

"what happened" drew said as she layed his head in her lap.

"bend down i have to pase this onto you before i die" the voice said. drew knew what that ment...he had to bite her. she was hesitant but sheshe bent her head down. her dad opened his mouth and sank his teeth into her neck. drew shivered as she felt somthing surge threw her. the wolfs blood. she looked at the veinsa on her wrists and they turned black.  she felt her ears turn fuzzy and a tail come out. then her nails turned sharp and silver. drew moved her tongue along her teeth and flinched when she felt the point of every one of them had become razor sharp. drew watched as her clothes changed. she had fur cuffs and a furry belly showing tanktop come on. then a furry short skirt. her shoes disappeared and furry ankelits came on. last her mid length hair flowed down to her ankles. 

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