MinCat: Too Cute

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Mini and Tyler went to the fair today just to get their minds off things. But Tyler didn't realize how fast he was really walking, since Mini was doing his best to keep up. "Geez Ty, why do you walk so fast?" Mini said. Tyler stopped and smiled at him. "That's how I usually walk. Just walk as fast as your little legs can take you." Tyler laughed. Though Mini only pouted as they waited in line to enter the haunted house.

After what felt like forever, they did enter and walked down the hall. It was everywhere in the house was dimly lit by torches on the wall. Luckily there was a glass case around the fire so it wouldn't set the house on fire. As Tyler and Mini walked, they waited for something to happen. Though it was silent, just the sound of the floor boards creaking under their feet. Only two more people were with them, but they were long gone.

They were to find the way out, so Mini assumed the couple already did. "We should check upstairs." He said. Tyler nodded and they both went up the stairs and saw a hallway before them. There were five rooms down the hall and an attic. "Fuck, I really don't wanna split up but we have to." Tyler said. Mini was about to ask why until he remembered that they had a limited amount of time to find the way out. If they didn't, then a scary looking guy would chase them around with a chainsaw as punishment in the field.

"Fine, but we gotta hurry!" Mini said. Tyler jogged to the very last room at the end of the hallway that was on his right. Mini went to the first room on his right too. Once Mini entered, a cold breeze struck him. He stepped inside shivering, hugging himself, now wishing he had a sweater. Mini kept looking for what felt like forever. Then he heard Tyler. "CRAIG COME HERE!" Mini gasped and ran to Tyler's voice.

He found him in the third room holding up a key. It was shiny and silver. "Now we just need to find an exit." Tyler smirked. "Jesus Ty, I though you were in trouble!" Mini pouted. Tyler hugged Craig thinking about how adorable he was when he pouted. They went downstairs and kept on looking. Eventually Mini found a hidden door behind a bookcase and it was locked. That's when he felt breathing down his neck, thinking it was Tyler.

"Hey Ty, I think I found the-" Mini's eyes widened as he looked at the man before him. He was very tall, probably 6'0 and had a cracked mask on and old ripped clothes. He carried a chainsaw, and his hair was all messed up. Mini backed up into the door. "T-T-TYLER!" Mini yelled. Soon enough, Tyler came and saw the guy lift the chainsaw. Tyler kicked him hard between his legs and the man dropped to the floor. Tyler dragged him away then went back and hugged Mini.

"You ok?" He asked. Mini nodded and looked up at him. "God, why're you so cute Craig?" Tyler blushed realizing he said that out loud. "Oh, u-um, thanks? Well I think I found the exit." Mini changed the subject blushing. Tyler nodded and unlocked the door. The two soon were outside and an employee was outside on her phone. She gasped in surprise and put it back in her pocket then smiled. "Oh congratulations! You made it out on time! Unlike the other couple." She said.

Mini and Tyler looked confused and looked at a couple running from a guy with a chainsaw and scary costume in a girl. "Wait, if that's the guy, then who the hell is that?!" Tyler said. The employee looked confused then gasped as she saw the other guy still on the floor in agony. Security was called and the guy was arrested. Mini and Tyler found out he was a guy guilty of killing 5 couples in the haunted house. He wore the same costume as the real employee so people thought it was him.

To their horror, the bodies of the victims were under the floorboards. Tyler and Mini got the fuck outta there freaking out. Mini hugged Tyler tightly and wouldn't let go. "So you saved me!" He said smiling. Tyler smiled back and they headed to their car so they could go home for the night.

"Craig, you're too cute, y'know that?"

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