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Harry's POV

"Hey." I greeted the pretty lady sitting at the bar with a drink sitting in front of her.

"Hey." She greeted back. I was expecting her to be totally wasted seeing as how she's been sitting here for the past two hours doing absolutely nothing.

"Are you okay? You've just been sitting here." I told her and took a seat on the cushy red stool next to her.

I examined her face for a second. She seemed around my age, 18 or 19. Probably scammed the bar with a fake ID like I did.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just thinking." I attempted to make eye contact with her, but she kept her gaze locked on nothing.

Though I hadn't known her for three minutes yet, I somehow felt intrigued by her.

She looked pretty normal.

Short and scrappy blonde hair, a few freckles scattered around her nose, and some dull grey eyes.

but one should never judge a person by their looks, this after the saying 'never judge a book by its cover'

She seemed mysterious in my eyes; though my eyes don't contain as much mystery as I suspect hers to contain.

I'm positive that those dull grey eyes contain something that the world has yet to discover. Secrets that I want to uncover.

"What are you thinking about?" I questioned. She broke her gaze that was previously on nothing and looked me directly in the eyes.

This way I could see the darker colours of her irises that surrounded the small pupil.

"Life." She replied simply. Though it was a single word she responded with, that word held much more meaning to me than it would for anyone else.

Before I could ask anymore questions, she stopped me.

"Life is so short, you know? Its too short to waste any of the precious moments that you've been blessed with."

Those words hit me hard. She's wise beyond her years and me? Well, I'm not.

While I was pondering on her words, I hadn't realized she had gotten up and was pulling money out of her purse and placed it on the bar counter next to her full drink she hasn't touched since I got over here.

"Do something fun with your life, its too short to waste." She patted my shoulder and sauntered away from me.

I watched her until she exited the bar.

She's right. I should do something with my life before its completely gone.

Thanks to her, I'll have an amazing story to tell about my journey to find myself and maybe a little love along the way.

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