Chapter 3: Socializing

Start from the beginning

The goblin resembled a younger and cuter version of a Gerber baby, but with actual hair. His skin was white, not green like most goblins from folk tales. He was mostly quiet. His gypsy like clothing suggested he wasn't looking to make a fashion statement. He wore an old red worn out beanie hat, it wasn't much, but it was his signature hat.

Despite looking serious all the time, he was actually the complete opposite. He always enjoyed a good laugh, although he never spoke a single word. His ways of communicating with others involved a series of body gestures, facial expressions, and making weird noises with his mouth. He looked like a three year old, but he was much older than that. His age was a mystery to even his closest companions.

Vargulf, on the other hand, was in his late two hundreds, looked like he was in his mid-twenties, but acted like he was in his early teens. His light chocolate brown skin, clean cut, and London model look, all gave off a bad boy persona. His deep British accent made him difficult to be ignored in any crowd.

Meanwhile, Simon walked across the dance floor wearing his traditional faded out blue sweater with a white T-shirt underneath, worn-out blue jeans, and dirty black and white high top Converse shoes. He constantly wore the same thing as if it were his signature superhero costume.

As he walked through the crowd, he passed demons, ghouls, vampires, and other unpleasant company moving their bodies to the ambient sound of the music.

The club was the gothic version of the late studio 54. Simon passed dancing vampires in cages with pig's blood smeared all over their bodies and faces. There were demons walking around in false human skins, but, upon eye contact, would change their eye color indicting their ranking. There were even demons posed as little girls dancing around in their little dresses. Half-naked female ghouls covered their exposed flesh with leather straps and belts. Pale white ghosts were mistaken for living beings. They showed off their perfect skin by wearing nothing but lingerie and ripped nylons, some even wore less.

At every entrance and exit, huge bouncers stood still with their arms crossed. With a human-like body, hoofed feet, and a bull's head, they were tall muscular Minotaurs hired to keep everyone in check. As Simon scanned the dance floor, a young kid ran up to him with a camcorder and nearly shoved it into Simon's face.

"What the hell! Kenny! You almost took out my eye!" Simon yelled out to the kid.

Kenny Dingleman, a sixteen year old kid with teeth so big and shiny, you could see your own reflection in them. His voice was so irritating that his own mother actively avoided crossing paths with him. While the boy was Hispanic, he was whiter than bread, and could not speak or understand a word of Spanish. Red lumpy pimples were his true only friends, but he did occasionally attract nearby mosquitoes.

Kenny pranced around with a camcorder trying to record everything Simon did. He was so obsessed with Simon that he created an entire website in tribute to him and his friends. It was filled with videos, blogs, and bizarre behind the scene extras on Simon and an in-depth view into a secret world referred to as "Synvilla". The website was

Simon asked, "How the hell do you keep on getting in here?"

"I'mma ninja, Playa! A genuine gangsta!!! I have my ways!" Kenny lifted his eyebrows as he stated.

Kenny insisted on following him with the camera in hand and expressing his excitement over their "Epic" pursuit of the troll.

"Oh my God! Simon, I caught the whole chase on was AH-MAZING! The way you guys cornered that thing was brilliant! you have any comments on tonight's episode of The Weirdos?" The boy ranted.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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