In case your wondering, yes this story is false.

Theres this one boy, no one makes me feel like this but him. Am i in love?
I thought to myself. His name is Jalen. He's just absolutely great to me. He was medium height, a dread head, braces and funny he kinda cute too.
Me on the other hand, tall ish, kinda pretty, braces also and crushing so hard.
Let me tell you how this all started
We had been friends since elementary school but when we got to sixth grade, we lost touch because we went to different schools for middle school. I kinda forgot about him until one day in seventh grade, I checked my DM.
??: whats your kik?
Me: (made up) tha.realist_bihh
??: alr imma kik u
??:Do u know who this is?
Me: no...
??its jalen!!😝
Me: OMGGG are u serious.
Jalen: yea nice to here from u
Me: samee what school u at now?
Jalen: im at ppa
Me: ooh nice , hey i gotta go ttyl
Jalen: hey whats ur number so i can facetime you later
Me: alr *sends #*

3 hours later
h*es hatin so hard but live in a small a** crib wita ham a** n***a and some bad a** kids wita sh*tty a** car tryna bitch everyday to her sh*tty a**--
Someone was calling me so i checked the calmer id and it was Jalen
"Hello?" I said to the screen
"Hey boo!"
"..." i said confused.
"Im just playing P" Jalen said.
"Oh" i said laughing awkwardly.
"So whatcha do--HEY!" Jalen said as someone took his phone.
"Hey Pearl how are you!" Jalen's mom said.
"You're really pretty Pearl, u should hook up wit Jalen"
"Oh...uh...thanks, but i don't think so." I said slightly embarrassed. I hope Jalen didn't hear that.
"MOMMM..why would you say that?!!" Jalen whined.
Trying hard not to laugh but failing i burst out laughing. That was so funny. Then a thought came to me "does he like me?"
Finally getting his phone back Jalen says "hey pearl... uhh my mom wasn't lying you really are p...p...pretty. Ya know. He says stuttering.
"Thanks" i said blushing.
" u tryna go out with meh?" He asked nervously.
"Sure!" I said happily.
"Great meet me at the park tomorrow at 2." He says.
"Ok its a date, im sleepy goodnight bae!" I said smiling a million dollar smile towards the screen while pressing the emd button.
I fall asleep easily with a smile on my face.

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