Episode 1; Part 1

Start from the beginning

In normal MMORPGs you chose a class, either when creating a character or somewhere at the start of the game. After that, you receive a weapon which is compatible with your class. This means you have a starting balance already making it easy for beginners. Regardless, I should get a weapon first and foremost.

But still, the menu will take some time to get used to. I don't know if I should call it bad game design but it certainly isn't good either.

The next thing I check is my quests and to my surprise, I have currently not accepted one yet.
"Huh~. Normally you would have a main quest right of the bat. Kayaba Akihiko really wanted to try something new...", I again, mutter to myself.

Every MMORPG follows a loose main story told through main quests but this is not the case for SAO as it appears.

How interesting.

It doesn't take long until I find a street with various shops. I look at the different things on display while walking through the street, thinking about what weapon I should choose.

Suddenly, someone bumps into me from behind, making me fall on my face. Great.

One point for you ground but next time, I will be victorious.

"Oh god, I am sorry! I was...kinda too...excited...", I hear a masculine voice.

I continue staring at the ground in shock. I am after all, socially awkward. Maybe the guy would just ignore me if I say nothing?

"Are you lagging or something?", the voice of doom asks me.

Of course, he wouldn't. Since when would I be lucky?

With trembling hands, I begin to look up, my eyes twitching. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. "Are you alright?", the boy in front of me asks. Crap.

I stare at the boy thinking carefully what to say. The boy has black hair and black eyes. Nothing too special.
Finally, I got an idea of how to respond to the boy's question.

"Y-Yes...", I stutter quietly, my voice luckily not cracking which it has a habit to do. 

My sudden speech seems to startle the boy

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My sudden speech seems to startle the boy. "A-Ah, I see...", he answers nervously.

And this is one of the reasons why I do not talk to others. Though I must say, playing a MMORPG doesn't necessarily help my case either.

He scratches his cheek while glancing at me before he shows me a (kind of forced) smile and holds his hand out. I just stare at his hand in confusion. Am I supposed to do something? The boy seems to notice my confusion and chuckles, now looking more relaxed.

"Stand up. You don't want to sit on the ground all day, right?", he asks me with a smile. Finally, I notice that I was sitting on the ground the whole time, looking at the boy who is already standing.

I feel myself blushing and quickly stand up, not taking his hand. How foolish of me. Why can't I do something without making a fool of myself?

The boy looks at me nervously. "Sooooo...you're okay?", he asks me after some seconds of silence.

This conversation is just plain awkward.

"Y-Yeah...", I answer. We stare at each other for some more seconds not really knowing what to do. "W-Well then...I'll be taking...my leave...", the boy says and hesitantly starts to run away.
I stare at his leaving form for a while.

So this game doesn't have the usual name above the head kind of thing? SAO is really different from normal MMORPGs.

I look around. I should get myself a weapon.

And with that, I brought the first dagger I could see.

Now, where is the field?




"Finally", I groan. Finally, I found the gate to reach the outer fields! This took forever. Why can't they afford maps in towns? Just why? The sun is already going down. I open my menu to look at the time. 17:29.

God, it's this late already and all I did was walk aimlessly through the town. What a productive way to spend your day.

There's no way I can spend my time grinding now. This sucks. If it wouldn't come to my social awkwardness I could have asked someone after the way. I sigh. And it's my first day even. I wanted to try out the fighting mechanics as well today. Guess that won't happen.

(I really should have played the tutorial).

Suddenly I hear a loud bell. Surprised, I jump slightly. Why would the bell ring now out of all times? I mean at 18.00 I would have understood it. But now? A pile of blue light surrounds me suddenly. What is that? Wait could it be-? But without any sort of announcement?! What is the meaning of this Argus?!

"A forced teleportation?!"

So, I decided to split the episodes into two parts. Later, by the huge time skips, I may write extra chapters between them. Please comment since I am a person who loses motivation quickly.


[Now with a picture.]

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