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The bell rings signalling the end of class so I quickly pack up my things and swiftly walk out of the classroom with the rush of my classmates. I walk down the packed hall and into a small room on my left hand side. And that's when I see her sitting in the back row, her black binder placed neatly in front of her and her denim school bag leaning up against her chair.

I realise that I have been staring for awhile, and that's when I see her look up and smile at me tucking her brown hair behind her ear. I smile back and sit next to her.

"Hey" She says nervously.

"Hi." I say flatly.

"I'm Skylar." She says extending her hand toward me.

I shake it "Alex."

"So your Paris's friend?" She says connecting the dots.

"Yeah, that's me." I say smiling at her.

"Ok everyone get your books out, and stop your conversations. Now I want you all to read from pages 32-67, in complete silence." Mrs Clarke says taking a seat at her desk and pulling a stack of assignments toward her.

I pull out my textbook and begin to read.

After 2 hours of reading, writing and listening to Mrs Clarke ramble on about the different techniques in poetry and how they can be applied to our own work. The bell finally goes and I rush out the door to the swarm of student in the hallway. I causally walk through the hallway making my way to the front of the school. I see Paris as I step outside leaning against the wall smiling back at me.

"Hey buddy, I'm glad you showed up, thought you might ditch me." She says laughing.

"Well I did think about it, but you are my friend so I showed." I say flatly.

"Great, if we start now we might be finished in time for dinner." She says already walking toward the mall.

"It's gonna talk that long?" I say surprised.

"It depend how fast you walk." She says slowing down.

"Whatever, let's get this over with." I say.

Now I have never been a fan of dresses in fact I hate them, making me literally drag myself through the mall doors and onto the pristine white tiles that let me know what I have really gotten myself into.

"Ok where do you wanna start?" She says already walking toward a store.

"I'm already regretting this." I say tiredly.

"Well too late." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me along after her.

"Now let's talk colour." She says eying what I'm wearing at the moment.

"What?" I say offended a little bit.

"Ok maybe like a blue or a black." She says stilling eyeing me very carefully.

"Black, black sounds good." I say thinking about wearing a blue dress.

"Ok black, it is." She says walking over to a large rack full of short cut dresses.

"Really?" I say looking at the dress she's holding up.

"I don't ever joke when it comes to shopping." She says grabbing three more dress.

"Oh god." I say sitting down.

"Nope you need to go try these on." She says handing me the dresses and pointing to the closest dressing rooms.

I march over toward the dressing rooms making a point to look back at her, my face full of disgust. I open the change room door door and hang the dresses on the hook. I lean against the wall looking at them surprisingly admiring there colour and design.

I slowly slip the first dress on over my head looking in the mirror and seeing the black sequenced covered fabric fall down passed my knees at the back but arching at the front. Of cause Paris had picked out a strapless dress I sigh walking outside the changing room to the sight of Paris's face lighting up with joy as she signaled for me to twirl. I sigh and slowly twirl on the spot the dress flying out creating a almost magical wave.

"Pretty." She says smiling broadly.

"Great now can we leave?" I say tugging at the dress.

"Nope" She says.

"Why?" I say disappointed.

"We can do better." She says.

"God you just love to drag things out, don't you?" I say annoyed.

She smiles at me "Ok, I will try on the next one." I say walking back toward the dressing room.

I quickly unzip the dress and take it off, sliding the second dress on feeling the tightness of it already. I look in the mirror and see that the black dress is skin tight and extremely short shitting high above my knees. I immediately attempt to pull it down, but as soon as I walk out of the changing rooms it rides straight back up.

"I don't know how to say this kindly, but it's awful." She says.

"Thank god." I say pulling it back down.

"Why?" She says laughing at my attempt.

"It's so uncomfortable." I say pulling it down once more.

"Ok, try on the last one." She says pointing back at the change rooms like my mother.

I turn and walk back to the change rooms and gladly taking off the dress felling the relief as the tightness is removed. I sigh as I look at the last dress hanging on the hook a beautiful floor length, pulled in tight at the waist with lace at the shoulder. I slide it over my head and fell the fabric fall to the floor. I fling my hair out letting it cascades down the back of the dress as I open the door and walk out revealing the dress to Paris who was smiling wildly as she nodded vigorously.

"Words, use your words Paris." I say looking at her.

"There are none, it's amazing it's totally the one." She says pretending to tear up.

"Really?" I say flashing her one of my very rare smiles.

"100%" she says running up to me.

"Thank god it's over." I say sitting down.

"OMG, you love it don't you. Alex wearing a dress and actually liking it, never thought I would see the day," she says smiling wider.

"Shut up ok." I say snapping at her.

"There's the Alex we all know and love." She says pulling me into a hug.

"God I hate you." I say hugging her back.

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