Glasses (Izaya OriharaxOC OneShot)

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Izaya crinkled his eyes in confusion, making his reading glasses slide down a fraction of an inch. What was up with this girl? For some reason Izaya just couldn't figure her out. Stupid female. Her data was mixed in everywhere, some was fake, some was real. Some didn't even make sense. Seriously? Age 34? With her writing style? She couldn't be more than twenty.

Lily Madenson.

That freak.

Izaya'd heard about the girl around town by pure coincidence. She was a famed otaku/internet idol that wrote fanfictions for a living, apparently. Every page paid her rent. She was new in town and lived somewhere near Shizu-chan, not exactly ideal living space, but sufficient. Apparently she'd started working at age seventeen for this teen website and her stories became so popular people offered to pay her for 75% of the copyright. Eventually that was ceased and the host website began to pay her on the condition she finished one book per year, each book being at least short-novel length. It was actually extremely profitable for her according to her banking data, so Izaya wondered why she lived in such a dump. He figured she might've been greedy or exponentially frugal, but he had no basis for his hypothesese. 

Izaya wanted to meet this girl, to study and analyze her, to make her tick, make her twitch. He wanted to bathe in her laugh then make her cry. It irritated him to no end that this was a human of his he was not familiar with. It also intrigued him to why she might have fake information, why she was recorded as a 34-year-old named Olivia Gerard.

Heh, he scoffed to himself, another toy...this should be fun.

Izaya made it a point to learn about this girl and eliminate her, destroy her. After all, she was just another human. What was the big deal? He grabbed his furry coat given to him by an old..."friend," and left his high-class Shinjuku loft, expeditely heading towards his beloved city of Ikebukuro.

He sat on the subway train mundanely, impatiently waiting for his stop to come up. On the train with him was a suspicious-looking boy in a grey tracksuit with stripes down the sides and a man in a full black leather trenchcoat who had his hands furiously going over a keyboard. It was a strange sight, but Izaya barely registered it; he was too busy plotting things for Lily. Once the train intercom announced that they would be arriving in Ikebukuro, Izaya stood up immediately, his rash actions earning him a stare from the boy in the tracksuit. The information broker quickly exited the train and headed upstairs to sea level. 

Once he felt that familiar air, smelled that familiar smell of trash and grime, he grinned, putting on his famous fake mask of glee. He dawdled through the streets, skipping happily. People avoided him for obvious reasons, but he paid the stupid humans no mind. This was Izaya Orihara's time.

He made his way to the mangy apartments of downtown 'Bukuro, admiring how stale and yellow the building was from age. Observing how the cheap wallpaper slowly peeled off the public hallway walls, Izaya made his way to apartment A15 where he would find his new toy. He could barely contain his mock excitement as he knocked on the door once, twice, three times. He only had to wait for a moment before the door opened to him, revealing the face of his target.

Lily Madenson was an inch or two shorter than Izaya, with red hair, a large grin, and warm hazel eyes. She was dressed like a teenager: hightop Converse, black skinny jeans, and an Artist vs. Poet teeshirt. Her hair was parted heavily on the left, making her bangs almost cover one of her eyes. Izaya was surprised; he hadn't expected a girl this pretty. Maybe an older lady, someone overweight, bad acne, something. But she looked completely normal, and it pissed Izaya off. Nothing yet. No dirt on her.

She glared at him. "Can I help you? You do realize that it's 6:30 A.M, right?"

Izaya laughed. "I'm fully aware. Actually, I came here to talk to you, Miss Madenson. Do you mind if I come in?"

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