Run and Go

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I walked into the preschool classroom blushing a violent shade of pink. A boy at the other side of the room noticed and walked over, leaving his friends. "Hi i'm Nathan Howell", he said holding out his hand firmly for a handshake, "You must be Brodin Harris, the new kid right?"
"Yeah" I said, shyly, barley marking effort to shake his hand.
"Okay, Brodin, you can come and play with us," the boy called Nathan said, motioning for me to come, "Well, aren't you coming?"
  "Uh-huh, I'll catch up," I said, I wanted to look around. From what I saw with what my four-year-old eyes could see, I could tell this place was a happy-sunshiny pre-school where everyone had happy fun times, which isn't my four-year-old way of doing things but I looked grudgingly at the door and trudged over to Nathan and his friends.

(8th grade)

I walked home with Nathan by my side. He was ranting about something, but I wasn't paying attention because I had my nose buried deep in my book. Nathan paused, "Why are you always reading?"
"Why are you always breathing?" I quired in reply.
"Fair point."
We walked in silence until we reached my house.
"Bye, Nate," I said ", See you tomorrow!" I waved and Nathan waved back.
I opened the front door of my house and stepped inside. As soon as I did, I was bombarded with questions from my mom.
"Where were you? What took so long? Who were you with? Not that Nathan kid, right? God, I hate him."
"Hi, Mom, love you, too." I said sarcastically, pouring myself a glass of water. I walked down the hall to my room, ignoring my mom's questions.
I set my glass of water on my night stand, tossed my backpack in the corner of my room and flopped on my bed. I reached over for the TV remote on my night stand, when I did, the remote, glass of water and lamp on the stand flew into the wall with a crash.
"Everything okay, hun?" My mom asked from the kitchen.
"Yeah!" I yelled back as I stood up, thinking about what had happened.
"I just reached over, like this," I mumbled to myself, repeating the motion ",And everything flew over there."
I walked over to where the fallen objects were, I held out my hand and swept it to the left, nothing. 'Come on,' I thought ',Do it again.' I repeated the motion once more, still nothing. I did it again and the objects moved with my hand, just a bit, but still, they moved. I urged it to move further and they did, left, right, up, and down. I decided the fun was over and moved the objects back to their original position.
"Wow, that was cool," I said to myself, awed at my new power, though I knew I had to keep it a secret. Even from Nathan.

(10th grade)

Some time later, I learnt to live with my "gift", but it really felt like a burden.
One day after school I decided that I was would use my power for evil. I walked into a gas station store and stuffed a few candies and sodas into my jacket pockets.
"Hey, kid, put those back or pay for them," the man behind the counter said.
I ignored him and kept my head down.
"You're really pushin' it, kid, put them back or I'll call the cops," he seemed fed up. He was reaching for the phone, pushing the buttons and putting the receiver to his ear. "I would like to report a robbery at the Shell gas station on Westhaven. Okay, thank you."
I was also fed up at this point so I concentrated and held out my hand, he floated up and up. His back hit the ceiling, there was an umph as the air was knocked out of him. I then let him fall to the floor knocking him out. It was quiet for a moment, then I remembered that there were cops coming for me at any second. I ran out of the store just as the sound of the sirens came into ear shot.
"Stop where you are, thief," said a voice coming out of a megaphone. I started to walk toward them, then I turned and sprinted.


After a few months, after I thought the whole robbery had blown over, after I thought my life was back to normal, I started going to school and got back to my normal routine, sort of.
"You're still reading that book! Dude, you gotta put it down at some point!" Nathan scolded for the millionth time.
"Seriously, Nate? What's wrong with reading?" I asked again,as I usually reply each time this subject comes up.
Nathan sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"That's what I thought," I sassed ",Let's get going, I got to be home soon."
"Why don't you come over to my house after school today?" Nathan asked.
"Um, yeah, sure, I'll text my mom," I said pulling out my phone ',Can I go to a friend's house?' I typed and hit send. "Okay, I think we'll need to stop by my house, though."

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