One Direction Spanking Stories

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Some Thing you should know

Niall and Harry are 20

Liam is 18

Louis 17

Zayn 16(the baby)

Ok then lets get started


2:00 a.m-Zayn had nightmares again and was too scared to walk to

Nialls room so he went over to Louis bed ( the share a bedroom).

"Louis am scared can you take me to Niall's room? "

"Um..sure I guess."Louis replied as he was walking him to Niall's room

-------------------------------At Niall's room---------------------------


"Yeah baby"

"Can I sleep with you am having nightmares"

"Sure of course you can" said Niall making room in the bed.

---------------Next Morning-------------------------------------------

Liams point of view

Everybody was already eating when I entered the room

Zayn was sitting on Nialls lap while Harry was feeding Zayn,

OK so Niall and Harry have been babying Zayn for a long time now

and Louis and I are sick of it they have fed him,wash him,and clothing him,he's 16

he can do all that! When I finished eating cereal I heard Niall was going to wash Zayn so he went into the bathroom

and came out as soon as he came out I entered the room not know Zayn was going to be naked.

"Aww look at baby Zayn"

"Stopped Liam or I will.."

"What are you going to tell on me cause thats what babies do"

"I have heard Niall tell Harry that their going to buy you .."

"Liam what are you doing"! Said Niall

"Just talking to Zayn , well bye" Liam said as he exit the room

"Zayn you can tell me everything "

" I know it's just that I .. We we're talk about how cool it would be to go to Disney land next week !"

" I don't know I will have to ask Harry"

"Zayn I want to ask you this Do you want to move to my room ?"

"Yes !!! I would love to cause then I would feel safe with you " 

"Ok than , Finishing your bath well buy some stuff to decorate are room and start moving your stuff"

-------------------------------------At the store-----------------------------------------------

Once out of the car Harry told Niall which store were they going to as Niall point at the store.

Zayn's point of view

When we entered the store Louis and Liam left with Harry to look at beds and while I stayed with Niall . 

We we're looking at stuff to decorate my new room , when I found this really cool letters and I grabbed them and spelled my name with them then and showed Niall and he said if I want it them I could get it so i did.

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