chapter 4

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I'm supposed to say a toast at the reseption. Ugh. So does Zayn. Eww.
I mean yay!

We are all outside at the fancy tables, family, friends, and coworkers, all sitting around having casual talk. I'm sitting at a table with Taylor & Harry, Zayn, Selena & Liam, Ariana & Niall. Those are Taylor's other bridesmaids. Their alright I guess, their kinda whores but they are dating Niall and Liam soooo....yeah.

"Louis you give a toast now" Harry tells me before quieting down the people at the reseption. I stand up to begin my toast, "umm hi everyone, if you dont know me I'm Louis. Umm I'm Taylor's best friend" I laugh at myself "uh I just wanted to tell you guys a story, about 4 and a half years ago" I deside to mention a time before she started cheating on him "and I came home and Taylor was sleeping on the couch with Harry, this was when we lived together, but Harry was awake. I asked him if he wanted to go out and he told me, and I quote, 'no boo Tay's asleep, I don't wanna wake her' that was right after Taylor had her knee surgerie, she slept for a week, and Harry let her lay on his chest the whole time. A whole week. I brought him food because I swear he wouldn't have eaten if I didn't. He put a pillow under her when he had to go to the bathroom, and he made sure not to hurt her when she was all doped out on medication. I don't really know where I was going with this but, they love each other and so I will stand by both of you, always" I finished sitting down. Taylor was crying cuz nobody's actually ever told that story to her, and Harry was smiling and looking down blushing. Zayn stood up and started his speech. I tone him out because it's just gonna be a bunch of bull.

I zone out for the rest of the reseption. On my way out I yell a quick goodbye before hurrying out to my jeep so I can leave. I live with my friend Cara but she shouldn't be home, I think I'm gonna get waisted.


"Hey hazzaa" I slur into the phone "Umm hi boo, what did you need" "i lovve uo hazzy" he chuckled "i love you to Louis, are you drunk" "whaa, no I didnt drink...only a little" "your deffinetly drunk Lou" "that's crazy!" I denied before puking all over myself. "Eww" "lou, are you all right?" "I-" I was cut off by myself puking all over the floor again. "Lou...I'm coming over" I hear some shuffling around and then a car engine. "N-no haz you got married to the whore, you stay home with her" "no it's fine Louis" he said, his voice a little off. I hung up and puked up again.

Harry just came strait in and to my room where I was sitting in throw up on the floor. "Lookie" I said as soon as I saw him, touching the puke on my shirt "eww" I said looking up at Harry. "Hi Lou" He said softly. "I got dirty" he nodded at me before walking over. He stood me up and took my shirt and pants off before putting sweats and a t-shirt on me. He left and came back with a cloth before wipeing my face off and handing me a glass of water. I drank a little bit of it but mainly I just spit it on Harry. "Hey Lou lets go to bed" he says like I'm a baby. I shake my head no and run out of the room. Well it's not really running, I'm falling and stumbling and I barley get out of the room before Harry picks me up by the waist and brings me back to my room. "I'm tired" I say. "Okay lets go to sleep" Harry says changing into a pair of Liam's sweats and a white t shirt that was left here. He leads me around my puke and I fall on the bed. He sits on the floor by my bed. "I love you Harry" I say "I love you too boo" "no you don't" I say running my hand through his hair until I fall asleep.

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