Chapter 1

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The mailman left with the package waiting on my doorstep. I felt a shiver crawl up my spine. Who sent this? Hmmmm....

"Who was at the door?" Clara asked. "Just the mailman," I said.

"Why did he show up?" she asked. "He said that there was a package for me, and it didn't say who mailed it to me." "Hmmmm... suspicious. Well, did you see what was inside?" "Not yet," I said. "Well, open it," she said.

"Okay..." Better not be another dumb prank. I thought. I opened the package and....

"Huh?" "What the....." I pulled out a necklace with a heart shaped frame and two blades inside the heart. "What does this symbol mean?" I muttered. Clara must've heard me and said, "I dunno, but your friends are coming in a few minutes."


Later that evening, I lay on my bed. Thinking about the necklace and it's weird symbol. "I need to find out. This is driving me nuts." I said. So I checked to see if Clara was asleep and snuck downstairs. Luckily, the package was still there. "Come on, there has to be something to help me out." I muttered. I grabbed the necklace frame that kept it from breaking during the delivery and tossed it behind me, I heard paper rustling, so I glanced behind me. A note was hidden behind the frame and fell out. I grabbed the note and read it. It said,

Dear Matt,

We are very glad that you have joined us and will one day in the future cherish this decision, thank you. We look forward to seeing you soon. Don't forget, lies will unfold, friendships will be tested, and hearts will shatter. Trust no one, and do not show this to anyone else. We hope to see you.


The Bladed Hearts.

"What the... who are the Bladed Hearts? and when did I join them?" the necklace I was wearing made me feel uneasy, like someone was watching me.

Then, all of a sudden, someone knocked on our door. I walked up to the door and opened it. No one was there, but there was a note stuck on the door. It says,

No matter what you hear and whatever is told tomorrow, you have to trust us. We are telling you the truth, and you may not like it, but trust us tomorrow.

Talk to you soon,


Something was strange about what it said in both of the notes. Why were they talking about trust, and who I should believe tomorrow? "I don't know." I said aloud. My eyelids were starting to droop. I was tired. It was 11:27p.m. so I decided to go to bed.


The next morning, the home phone rang. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Matt Fieldman? The stranger asked. "Yeah, why?" "Meet at the park later, we need to talk..." "Uhh... okay." I said. The stranger hung up and I put the phone back on the hook. I grabbed my bike outside and was about to go when Clara asked, "And where do you think you're going?" "To the park, I need some fresh air, thank you very much." she rolled her eyes and said, "whatever, just hurry back, I have something I need to say to you later." "Okay." I replied sarcastically. "Later." I made it to the park a few minutes later and went to a bench. He said he would throw a thumbs up if he was the guy. I saw the sign and saw that it was a guy in a blue jacket. "Are you Matt?" he asked. "Yeah, and are you the guy who knocked on my door last night?" "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I knew your 'sister' was asleep." "Wait, what are you saying?" he sighed. "Will you promise that you will believe me?" "I guess." he inhaled, "That's not your sister..."  "WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "That is not your sister." he replied smoothly. "Then.... Then who is the person I'm living with?!"  "A guardian in our organization." What?! What is this guy talking about? What is a guardian?!  I thought. They keep people in our organization safe. a voice said. Who's in my mind, and how are you talking to me?! I thought. I'm going crazy.... or I'm dreaming... there's no such thing as the Bladed Hearts, and I never got the necklace... I'm probably at home right now asleep. I thought, but I opened my eyes, and I'm still at the park with the same guy. It's all true. he said. Wait, it was YOU?! he nodded. "So, you're telling the truth?" "Of course. The note I wrote says to trust us, and you still don't. You're afraid." He said. "Of course I am! A complete stranger is living with me!" I said. "Why would I not be afraid?!" I asked. "Please calm down, I'm telling you the truth." he said. "Then who is she really?!" He sighed. "Her name is Clara Willis, our first volunteer as a guardian." "That's a lie!" I said. "I'm not lying, you just don't trust us. she works for the Hearts just like I do, and your parents." "You're lying!" I spat, "I'll prove that you're lying!" I sped home and laid my bike on the grass near my front steps. Clara was in the living room watching TV. "Clara," I said, "Oh, hey Matt, glad you came back early." she said cheerfully, "Listen, we need to talk, now." I said. "Uhh... Okay." so I sat in a chair and got comfy, "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm your sister, did you get hit in the head and lose your memory?" "No, you're not. Stop lying and start talking!" she breathed. "He told you, didn't he?" she asked. "Wait, You knew?!" She sighed. "Yes.. I knew... I was gonna talk to you about it earlier." "So, you're not my sister?" "No, you're an only child," she said flatly. "Is your name Clara Willis?" I asked. She nodded. "Where are my parents?!" I asked. "Why do you want to know?" She asked. "I need to talk to them, now!" "Fine." She said. "Let's go."

The Bladed Hearts: Book One- The ShatterWhere stories live. Discover now