Room 42

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It was 12 o'clock in the morning, Xiumin was still awake. He was studying because of the final exam that he will have next week. Since, he failed his exam 2 months ago, he was more concentrated in his studies now. Xiumin lives in the dorm. His room was room 42. He had a roommate before this but his roommate requested to move out. He didn't know what happened to his roommate and what made him want to move out because he always slept early. He just thought that maybe he snored really loud when he sleeps and that made his roommate can't concentrate on his studies well.

After an hour of studying, his eyelids felt heavy and that made him stopped and went to sleep. Just about 20 minutes in his dreamland, Xiu suddenly woke up. He heard something fell on the floor. So, he stood up from his bed and went to switch on the light, but found no objects that fell on the floor. His room was small and didn't have many things in it. Only a desk in the corner and a make shift closet. He switched off the light and went to his bed.

Before he could close his eyes back , Xiu was awoken again by a weird sound. He heard like someone was crying. Xiumin felt that the hair from the back of his neck begun to rise. He looked around his room but found no one there. He felt uncomfortable. He tried to sleep but he failed. He looked at the wall where his clock was hanging and he saw that it was only 2 am. He turned his body from left and right to find a comfortable position that could make him sleep.

As he turned to the left for the second time, suddenly, he saw something in the corner of his room. He could swear that he saw something there. Like a human silhouette. He squinted his eyes and with the help from the moonlight that shines through the room from the window, he can saw it clearly. He saw a girl that was wearing a white old dress with a very long hair. Her hair was so long it reached the floor and covered her entire face. He blinks his eyes and from an old white dress it turned into a bloody old white dress and she haves long sharp nails.

Xiu was scared. He pulled his blanket up to his head to avoid him from seeing the girl. Under his blanket, Xiu can somewhat feels that the girl was already gone .To make sure what he thought was right, he pulled his blanket down slowly and looked at the corner. He saw that there was no one there. He felt relieved and went back to sleep when he felt that a single drop of water fell into his cheek. He opened his eyes and was very shocked when he saw the girl was on the ceiling. Right above of him. He screamed and quickly turned his body to the left until he fell from his bed and hit his head on the floor.

When he saw the girl crawling down from the wall and was on all four he quickly stood up and ran to the door but it was locked. It was very strange to Xiumin because his door didn't have a lock to begin with. He turn back to see the girl but he didn't see her. He quickly went to his desk that was not too far from where he was standing and tried to find something that he can use to open the door. He found a long sharp metal scissors in his desk drawer. He stood up and went back to the door but fell down and his back hits the desk when saw the girl already in front of him when he turned around a couple of seconds earlier. Because he fell and hitting his desk hard the table lamp fell and hit his head. He saw everything went blurry before he fainted.

The next day when he woke up, he finds that he was lying on the floor. He walked to his bathroom and saw his face in the mirror, he saw a trail of dried blood on the side of his face he remembered that the table lamp had fallen and hit his head last night. When he finished cleaning up himself and stepped back to his room, he saw that his bed was covered in bloody handprints . Then, he remembered last night's events.

At school, a few hours after the encounter, Xiumin went to the headmasters' room. He requested to move out. The headmaster agreed. But, before Xiumin stepped out from the room he asked the headmaster about the room.

"Sir, did something bad happened in that room?"

"Hmm...If I recall back, yes. Something did happened a long time ago. The room was closed for a long period of time. Before you and your roommate was assigned to that room a girl used to lived there"

"What happened to the girl?" Xiumin asked again

"The girl was found dead after the room next door complained about a rancid smell coming from that room after summer break. Based on the police investigation, the girl's death was because she committed suicide" the headmaster replied

"Why did she committed suicide?!"

"Some of the students said that she had been bullied since she transferred to this school. They thought that maybe she felt depressed. No one saw her when everyone went back for their holiday. So they thought that she had already gone back home early because her room was lock and the light was off too"

"But sir, how could the girl live at the room since it was a boys' dorm" Xiumin said curious

"Long time ago it was a girls' dorm but no one knew why it had been changed to a boys' dorm. Why did you asked?"

"I'm just curious, Sir" Xiumin said

"Did you... by chance saw her?" asked the headmaster

"Yes, Sir"

"You're a lucky young man" the headmaster said genuinely

After Xiumin moved out, the room had been closed and no one use it anymore

[42=death 'shi ni'(shini) in Japanese]


Author - DCgalaxy (DCT)

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