Prince Jasper

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Name: Jasper Stevens
Age: 20
Gender: male
FC: Eddie Redmayne
Season: fall
Personality: charming like his mother, always has a smile, he's very easy going and hates to argue, but if you hurt his feelings, he shuts down, he's very wild and adventurous, bordering on reckless, but always likes to have fun, like his mother, he's very sharp tongued
Likes: rock climbing, swimming, painting, late night adventures
Dislikes: how fragile he is and when people remind him of that, being told he needs to be more careful
Flaws: reckless, impulsive, shuts down if he's hurt emotionally, very fragile physically despite how wild he is
Hopes and dreams: to marry a great girl, to live a life full of adventure despite his status and season
Other: he's a bit of an adrenaline junkie, he's a mama's boy.

Name: Jasper StevensAge: 20Gender: maleFC: Eddie RedmayneSeason: fallPersonality: charming like his mother, always has a smile, he's very easy going and hates to argue, but if you hurt his feelings, he shuts down, he's very wild and adventurous, b...

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Played by: LiviieMarie

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