Chapter 02: Methods

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Commissioner James Gordon sat behind his desk at police headquarters while looking through the latest reports of the day. A file folder dropped on top of his paperwork, startling him.

"One of these days, you're going to have to come through the door," Gordon chided while looking disapprovingly at Batman. When the caped hero didn't respond, he glanced toward the file. "What's this?"

"There was a murder tonight," Batman explained. "It could have severe consequences for Gotham."

Gordon opened the file and looked at the picture on top of the stack of documents.

"Her name is...was Talia," Batman said quietly, his voice unusually strained. "Her father's picture is next."

Gordon shifted Talia's picture to the bottom of the stack in order to look at the next one. The man in the second photograph had graying hair on the sides of his head near the ears, along with a slight trace on either side of his neatly trimmed beard, but the rest of his hair was as black as ink. The man's piercing blue eyes and hard expression made him look like someone not to be trifled with.

"His name is Ra's al Ghul," Batman explained. "He commands an organization called the League of Assassins. With the death of his daughter, there is no telling how violent his response may be. Our best bet to contain the situation is to find out who killed her before Ra's comes looking."

"Any idea on where to start?" Gordon questioned.

"You'll find information in the folder about the warehouse where the incident took place as well as all relevant history of Talia, Ra's, and the League. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know."

Batman pushed aside the curtain and vanished out the window.

Robin was waiting on the roof of the building across from the police department when Batman joined him.

"Why are you bringing the cops in on this?" Damien asked.

"Ra's would tear the city apart to find her killer, or he'd simply burn the place down," Batman answered. "We can't let him get involved."

"He'd at least get the job done," Damien muttered before anger filled his voice. "Mother's dead, and the person who did it should be too!"

"We don't kill," Batman declared firmly. "It's not our way."

"Your way," Damien corrected. "How many times have you brought down murderous thugs only for them to get released or break out of Arkham Asylum and Blackgate prison? How many more have suffered and died because of repeat offenders? Look at this city; it's drowning in blood, and you still won't do what's necessary to stop them! Grandfather understands what has to be done and that's what the League of Assassins is for."

"My city, my rules," Batman growled, taking a menacing step toward Damien. "If you prefer the methods of Ra's, you can go back to him!"

Batman pulled out his grappling gun and fired a hook toward a gargoyle to pull himself off the roof and into the air.


When Batman returned to the Batcave, he found Alfred waiting for him. Batman landed on the metal deck plating installed over the natural stone of the cave and let his cape drape around him.

"Something I can do for you, Alfred?" Bruce asked in passing, but his tone indicated he didn't want to hear it. He pushed his cowl off his face and let it hang down behind him with his cape.

"Master Damien came back hours ago," Alfred said. "Did you two have an argument or something? He seemed even more out of sorts than usual."

"Talia's dead," Bruce answered bluntly. "She went into a warehouse and it blew up. Damien wants to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and kill everyone responsible."

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