Chapter 01: Elsewhere

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The balcony doors opened almost silently as Talia al Ghul exited the room. The night welcomed her with a chill breeze, and the thin nightgown of black silk she wore did little to resist it. She ignored the cold, resting her hands on the granite railing and scanning the horizon with her dark eyes.

Her husband, Bruce Wayne, awoke; noticing Talia's absence, he threw back the covers and joined her on the balcony, cinching his robe tight in the process.

"Trouble sleeping?" he asked, resting a hand gently on her shoulder. The gold of his wedding ring was a shard of ice against her skin.

She shook her head in denial, the moonlight reflecting off her raven hair in silver highlights.

Bruce sighed and moved to stand beside her.

"I met you when I was fifteen and first came here for training with your father," Bruce recalled while staring ahead at the distant mountains. "I married you five years later, and I've been your loving husband for the last twenty. You can deny it as much as you want, but I know you well enough to tell when something's bothering you."

"I'm thinking about our return to Gotham and what it will mean for our family," Talia said without looking toward her husband.

"Damien," Bruce concluded.

"You've been training our son, so I assume you'll want him involved with your work," Talia said.

"Your father had a hand in his training as well," Bruce reminded. "Damien's been prepared by me and the leader of the League of Assassins. He's had more training than I did when I started as Batman."

"Gotham was a different place then," Talia reminded. "You and I both know, despite your best efforts, it's only gotten worse."

"I've been doing this job for years, why the sudden concern?" Bruce questioned.

"When Damien was born, I relaxed a little because I knew if anything happened, I'd still have a piece of you living in him," Talia explained. "Now, both of you are going out into that crime-ridden city. A wife and mother can't help but worry."

Bruce moved his hand to cover hers.

"It will be alright," Bruce promised.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Beloved," Talia cautioned. "But, I'm certain you said the same thing to Jason and Barbara."

Bruce's hand stiffened slightly at the mention of those names and the painful memories they dredged up.

"Gotham City destroys lives; it always has," Talia lamented. "Friends, family, and good people either killed or so badly torn up they never recover. I just don't want the next headstones carved by that hateful city to belong to you and Damien."

Talia closed her eyes as tears fled from them. Bruce put his arms around her, holding her close against his muscular chest.

"I've always been better at fighting criminals than expressing how I feel," Bruce admitted. "As bad as it is in Gotham for us, we've had training. Can you imagine what life is like for those without our abilities? How many people live in fear of what the criminals are going to do? Batman gives innocent people hope they'll see another sunrise. I don't know what problems may be waiting for us in Gotham, but I can't turn my back on people who need help."

"I know," Talia sniffed. "I just wish the price of their peace of mind wasn't so high."

"I can afford to pay high prices; I'm a billionaire," Bruce joked to lighten the mood.

Talia laughed slightly before pulling away enough to look Bruce in the eyes.

"This is our last night here before we go back to Gotham," Talia told him. "Who knows if it may be our last night in this world?"

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