Prologue Chapter 2: F

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(A/N Heyo everyone, Chronigma here! Now this is where we'll actually be on track with the letter order. After this we'll have L then E since we already did M. So, so far we got M for Matthew, and now we'll be finding out who F is. Maybe even find out if he'll have some sort of relation with Matthew *hint* *hint*. Anyways, enough with that. Now it's time to meet our next character!)

3rd Person

The sun is shining on the streets of Vale. The birds were singing, the flowers were burning....wait, burning?

There was a pot of burning flowers just outside someone's shop and a tall boy with red-orange messy hair had just walked by. He wore a grey T-shirt, dark green shorts, red sneakers, red headphones, and a pair of red wrist bands. The shop keeper came out, scratching his head as to how their flowers were now a pile of ashes, and the boy kept on walking with a light smirk on his face.

"Hey! Stop that kid!" Two guys from back down the street, who's clothes were both charred, shouted this and several other similar things at him as they ran to catch up. Turning around for a moment, he let out a quiet "Dang," and started to run.

The chase would lead the two men into an ally way. A dead end. At it's end though, there was a pair of foot prints on the ground that were still warm enough to burn the skin, and several more along the brick walls. A whistle came from the rooftops. Looking up, they saw the boy they were chasing. "Hey!"

"Catch me if you can!" He laughed in a cocky manner. By the time the two men got up by taking a ladder, he was already gone...and by that I mean he was just back on the ground, hiding in another ally. "Where did he-! He couldn't have gotten very far, let's go!" Said man 1. Man 2 then replied "When I get my hands on him, I'm gonna-". "Yeah yeah, we all want to. Let's just get going before Mr. Lachlan finds out we left our other kids behind."

Waiting for a few minutes in silence, the boy finally got out of hiding, letting out a quick laugh to himself. "Man, I swear. They get easier and easier to fool every-" He was cut off by the two men grabbing him by his arms. "Drat...."

One hour later...

Under a single spot light in a dark room, the boy sat, tied up, and being lectured by a new male. "This has been the 7th time this week! You don't even come here all 7 days, and yet you still pull this stunt 7 times! I can't keep sending our staff after you just to bring you back for the same thing to happen all over again. They've groan tired of this routine. Even the nurse can't take cleaning up another one of your messes. And now, I ask you this...Why? Why do you ditch your classes every single day? Don't you want to graduate to a prestigious school like Beacon?"

It was now the boy's turn to respond. "..." but, all he did was sit there in silence...

"Fine...if you have nothing to say, then you'll be more than willing to proceed onto your punishment." The rest of the lights turned on and the two were surrounded by a large number of teenagers wielding their weapons of choice. The room was a large gymnasium with it's bleachers pulled in and sports equipment put up. "And to make sure you don't have it easy, I'll be taking these." The man reached down to the boy and grabbed from his pockets two twin pistols that were red and golden.

"Let's see how you fight without your weapons." Something was stirring within the boy, yet no one seemed to be able to sense it. The man started to walk away, the students moved out of the way as he walked through the crowd.

???'s P.O.V.

"No one..." My fellow school mates started closing in on me and I was still tied up. I could feel my body's temperature rise. "No one..." It was a classmate, a blonde kid with a bow staff, that swung first. Yelling at the top of his lungs, he swung at full force towards my head. It collided with nothing getting in the way. Yeah it was metal...but I didn't flinch. "NO ONE TAKES GUARDIAN DRAGON!!!" I shouted in my head, an angry glare in my eyes flashed towards the boy.

He flinched. The rope around my body combust into flames and both my hands shot up to grab his staff. He wasn't fast enough, and his whole weapon was engulfed in flames. He let go, ran off screaming, and frantically tried to put his hands out. Three more students lunged at me with their weapons ready to swing. "Batter up!"

I took the boy's staff and swiped it at the students. They were sent back into the gym's walls. I dropped the staff and my whole body was covered in a blazing red aura. Some parts of my shirt caught on fire, yet didn't actually burn. Now I was yelling at the top of my lungs, and plowed straight through the crowd. What ever weapon they were holding as I passed by was now engulfed in flames and dropped to the floor in a blind panic.

Mr. Lachlan was just at the door, getting ready to exit, when he turned around, and saw me charging straight for him. Unable to react in time, he only managed to step out of the way, and I ran right past him. Course, I took a little souvenir. Thanks for my weapons back. Making a break outside, he grabbed his own weapon, a hand canon, and fired it at me. And no, that's not like a pistol. I mean a literal high-tech cannon that traps his hand for him to fire from within.

When he fired though, the projectile that came out was compound fire dust, and it absorbed right into my aura. I kept running, each step I took, a small fire blast emitted from my feet, and boosted my speed. "Bye bye signal. Beacon, here I come."

Mr. Lachlan's P.O.V.

"Dang it..." A ringing came from my pocket. Reaching in, I pulled out my scroll, and answered the incoming call. "Hello?.....Yeah, he got away.....Yeah, looks like he's your responsibility now Mr. Ospin. Good luck with Felix Firestar..."

(A/N Ehh, not my best work I feel like I could've done better, but at least it's done. Hope you all enjoyed that chapter. Seems like Felix has had this coming to him for a while. So now we've got F (Felix), L, M (Matthew), and E. L and E should be a little more interesting story wise, considering Matthew and Felix I just threw into a fighting scenario, and not much story, but I kinda liked that. Felt like the classic RWBY Trailers. On a side note, I had a bit of problems with the bold and italics for a while. Welp, I'll see you guys later!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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