Chapter 1- Latrice

Start from the beginning


The name was creatively painted in a mural on the far wall. A selection of well-placed photographs drew me closer.

Larger than life images of landmarks in the city and its stunning views framed the mural. What drew my attention most, though, were still-shots of women in various stages of undress against a grey background. The lighting focused on individual parts of their bodies ─ legs, eyes, shoulders ─ drawing the eye to the natural beauty of each woman. Each model was young, sexy, and in her prime.


I was at least fifty pounds heavier, twenty years older, and while still attractive, there would be no way to convince me to pose like that.

"Those women don't hold a candle to you."

Startled out of my thoughts, I followed the sound of the voice that had snuck up behind me. I stared into dark brown eyes that studied me while a slow smile spread across a generous pair of lips.

My admirer was gorgeous.

Skin the color of almonds stretched over perfectly proportioned cheekbones. Thick, jet-black hair peppered with gray screamed maturity. He was at least three inches taller than I was, which meant I had to look up to see beyond the unbuttoned portion of his shirt that revealed curly chest hair with its black and gray mix.

One dimple popped as his smile grew wider with my appraisal.

"Thank you, but there's no need to suck up to me. You can have my number."

His head fell back as he laughed, exposing his Adam's apple. Two things were obvious: he was at least forty and was sexy as hell.

"Well, that didn't take a lot of work," he said, the Latin accent in his voice slipped out. "I'm Phillip." He extended his hand.

"Latrice." I accepted the handshake and was surprised when he kissed the back of my palm.

I forced my attention back to the pictures. "I remember what it was like to be young and free. Confident, willing to try new things with no fear of failure or embarrassment."

"True, but that age also breeds ignorance." He nodded toward the images. "I do not envy that age. I made some of my biggest mistakes back then."

I angled my head. "Such as?"

"Poor choices." He winced. "If I could go back, I'd do a lot of things over."

"Not sure I could stand going back. I managed to skip making too many mistakes, thanks to my family. Instead, I focused on building a lasting career."

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you do for a living?"

"I'm an accountant."

That brought on another laugh. "That explains a few things."

I stared with raised eyebrows. "Such as?"

"The reason you're uptight and uncomfortable when in front of the camera, but not when talking. Though," he angled his head, appraising me from head-to-toe, "I have to're nothing like my accountant. He's nerdy. Only interested in numbers. You, on the other hand, are more...personable."

"It comes from growing up in a household full of older brothers and being the only girl. I'm comfortable with men." That brought on another smile. "How do you know about my photo shoot? Were you spying on me?"

"I wasn't spying. I was watching from my office." He indicated a window with half-open blinds in the corner of the spacious room. The angle would allow a person inside the room to see out, but keep anyone from looking in, especially if the lights were off. They were.

"Your office?"

"I own the studio."

My eyebrows went up again. "Oh...well then, nice place you have here."


"Tell me, Phillip, do you spy on all of your photo sessions?"

"Observe, and no, but Ken is new here. I needed to see how well he works with live subjects."

I smirked.

He shrugged. "What can I say... The subject is..." he cocked his head to the side as if searching for the right word, all the while, his eyes stayed on me.

Beautiful, amazing, extravagant... I imagined the words flowing from his tantalizing mouth. I imagined his mouth on mine along with the feel of his firm shoulders beneath my fingers. A rush of desire flowed through me at the thought of getting naked and posing like the women in the pictures. For him. After several seductive shots, he'd come from behind the lens and make love to me on the studio floor...

He cleared his throat. "Difficult...non-responsive."

"Excuse me?" My hands went to my hips as reality came back into focus.

Phillip held up a finger. "Any photographer can snap a picture, but it takes experience and the right...touch to find a subjects true potential. If I may, I'd like to show you yours."

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