Episode 12: Happy Birthday

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"Should we touch them

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"Should we touch them."

"You touch them."

Haz and I exchanged looks before looking back down at our parents who were spooning each other on the kitchen floor in a pile of empty red cups, Nat surprisingly being the bigger spoon as she snored into Harry's larger back while Harry hugged her small arms around his broad chest.

"Hey ma, time to wake up." Haz said, gently nudging Nat's leg only making her scrunch her body up more as she buried her face into the back of my dad's neck with a groan, watching as my dad smiled in his sleep ever so slightly, cuddling his back closer to her body.

"Five more minutes." Nat sighed in a sleepy voice as I opened the blinds in the kitchen window, letting the light in while Haz continued to poke our parents with his foot.

Haz then took his mom, slowly prying her away from my dad on the floor, slinging his arms underneath her limp arms as she continued to keep her eyes closed.

That's when my dad woke up, actually half opening his green tired eyes when he didn't feel Nat's presence before he turned around with a grumpy expression on his face, looking over at Haz who was now carrying his sleeping mom in his arms.

"Morning dad." I greeted him, watching as he slowly rose to his feet, swaying slightly and rubbing his eyes before hugging me, not looking fully awake or alert as he turned and slowly patted Haz's head.

Then he grabbed Nat back into his arms and went back on the ground, now hugging her to his chest as they both went back to sleep, ignoring us.

"You two must have some major hangovers right about now." Haz said, rubbing his hands together and peering down at our parents who both nodded in response, still holding each orher not bothering to open their tired eyes.

"Do you guys even remember what happened last night?" I asked them in all curiousity.

That's when both of their wide eyes snapped open almost immediatly, gawking at one another with a mixture of both surprise and realization slowly appearing over their faces before they quickly jolted away from each other.

"Oh wow- just I- I remembered I have to water my uh... my shoes-" My dad began, fumbling off the ground almost slipping on the tiles as he pointed behind him with a distracted look on his face, his shirt and hair ruffled as he stared at Nat who nodded her head frantically, getting up in a daze as well.

"Yeah I just remebered I gotta- I gotta go breathe." She swallowed nervously, the two backing away from one another awkwardly before they bolted away in different directions, Nat heading to the backyard while my dad ran upstairs, slipping and almost falling on one of the steps while Haz and I were left alone in the kitchen.

"Should we look into it." I asked in a nonchalant tone, picking up the empty red cups and glass bottles as Haz helped me clean up.

"Of course." He said with a raise of his brow, sending me a knowing smirk that we shared before my gaze fell on something on the kitchen counter.

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