Chapter 1

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Jenna's POV

"Jenna it is not that big a deal, you will only be tutoring him for a couple months!" My mother sighed, and gestured at me. My mouth was hung open in shock that she would even say that. Does she not understand the severity of the situation? Does she not understand that the principal is sticking ME with the impossible task of tutoring Cameron Dallas? It would take 100 years of tutoring to make him smart, and I have my finals to study for by myself anyway!

"Mom, I can't do it! You don't know Cameron, this task is impossible!" I almost yelled, causing my mothers eyes to flash a warning. I brought my voice back down.

"Mom. I have a lot on my plate already, college, finals, I can't just take away so much of my focus to tutor some dumb lacrosse kid." I said with my voice lower. My mom stood up from the seat in her chair and stared at me intently.

"Jenna, I raised you to be a helping, good hearted girl, and you have never once let me down on that. You will tutor this kid because it is the right thing to do, and he needs help. End of discussion." She said strictly, and then left the room quietly. I slumped back into my desk chair, and bit my bottom lip in thought.

There is no way that this could possibly end well. First of all, he doesn't even know that I live on earth, he probably just sees me as another entity. And secondly, I honestly don't think I am even smart enough to make Cameron Dallas look intelligent. I don't think anybody is.

The Next Day After School

I sat at the familiar library table, tracing the patterns of the wood with my fingers. He is supposed to be here in 3 minutes, and if he is even one minute late I am going to go home and study. This is ridiculous, we should just give up alr-

The door to the library opened, cutting off my thought, and none other than Cameron Dallas himself walked right into the library. I huffed; couldn't he have been only a minute late? He stared right at me, and then started walking over. My eyes widened as he sat down at the table, and I realized that we are the only people in this library.

"Look, you can't tell anyone about this ok?" He whispered at me, and I raised my eyebrows. No one is even in here, so his whispering is completely not necessary, and who would believe that I would ever hang out with Cameron Dallas?

"Don't worry." I said back smugly, before opening the chemistry book in front of us. Might as well knock the east stuff out first right?

"Whats your name again?" I heard him speak again, and I rolled my eyes. Shit, that probably looked rude, well, whatever. I didn't even look up at him while answering.

"I'm Jenna Coleman. And you're Cameron Dallas. Are we done with introductions now?" I looked up on my last sentence, and he had his eyebrows raised.

"Sure." He spoke lightly, and I nodded swiftly. My long brown hair fell over my shoulder and onto the textbook, and I pushed it back behind me ear. So we should probably start with the basic formulas, lets just see how much he remembers from biology.

"Alright, how did you do in Biology?" I asked him dully. He scoffed at my question. I took that as a 'I barely passed' and I nodded again. Biology review it is then.

"Alright, so chemistry is basically a base off of what you learned in biology about cells. Cells can be multi or uni cellular, and they are made up of a nucleus, cytoplasm, and in some cases a cell wall. And many other parts, but that comes later. Does any of this sound familiar to you?" I spoke, and his eyes widened. For some reason I felt self conscious, and I bit my bottom lip again.

"What?" I asked him softly.

"You talk, SO fast." He chuckled, and I breathed out.

"And yeah, that all sounds kinda familiar." He answered my first question with a nod, and I nodded back. I flipped to the very front of the chemistry textbook and looked at the small biology review part. I swerved the book so it faced him, and handed him a piece of paper and a pen.

"Alright just answer these review questions as best you can. This will help me see where to start. How long am I tutoring you for again?" I asked.

"I need to have a 3.3 GPA by November 22, which is the big game. I can't play unless I get my grades up." He said back to me, and he spoke louder this time. Alright, so pretty much a month and a half.

"And whats your GPA right now?" I inquired. His face flushed and then his cheeks turned pink, and he looked down at his book. Well now I feel like a horrible person, good job Jenna, you are probably the first person to ever embarrass Cameron Dallas.

"Never mind, lets just work on this review ok?" I said softly, and he smiled a small smile at me. Ok, I have one and half months to get this kid a B or higher in every single one of this classes. Good luck me.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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