He closed his eyes and sighed. "Fine. Only tonight if I decide I don't like it."

Ava gave him a smug smile. "That's reasonable. He'll only be here for another day or two anyways." She got up from the bed and opened the door for Tom since he was still frozen in front of it. "Thank you."

Tom nodded and left Ava's room. He heard her softly close her door when he reached his own room. He then swiftly entered his room and firmly closed the door behind him.


That evening Tom was still debating on actually going downstairs. He wasn't all that interested but Ava would drag him down if needed. That thought didn't appeal to him. He was currently standing at the top of the stairs, reluctant to go any farther. He could hear Ava animatedly conversing with her brother.

Emmett was his name I believe?

From the sound of it, it appears Ava was attempting to convince her mother to allow her to have wine with them. Her brother was teasing her about being too young, her mother wasn't giving her a straight answer and Lizzie popped in the conversation and asked if she could have some as well. He broke out of his revere when Gwen asked Ava if he would be joining them. He sighed knowing he had to go down now. Swiftly making his way down the stairs, he decided to give in. Once he entered the kitchen, he paused in the doorway.

Gwen noticed him first and gave him a bright smile. "Tom, right on time."

Immediately following her announcement, Ava and Emmett both looked at him. Tom shifted, uncomfortable. Ava gave him a smile, knowing he didn't want to be there and drawing enjoyment from getting him to come.

Of course she would enjoy me being uncomfortable like this, the little..

"Alright everyone, we can sit down now."

They all circled the table to sit in their seats. Before Tom could take more than a step, Ava intercepted him. "Oh Tom, my father will be here so Emmett will be in your usual seat. But here, there's a spot next to me for you."

Tom hesitated when Ava mentioned her father would be with them as well. How..wonderful. Tom stiffly sat in the chair Ava indicated, right next to hers. A few seconds later, Carmine came in the room and gave Gwen an apologetic smile for his tardiness. Everyone was silent until their plates were full and all the dishes had been passed around.

Carmine was the first to speak. "So, Tom, haven't seen you for a while it seems."

Tom cleared his throat and plastered a polite smile on his face. "I apologize sir. I haven't been feeling the best and I wanted to give you time with your son."

"I see, thank you for your consideration."

"Although it was unnecessary Tom," Gwen quipped from the other side of the able. "We enjoy having you here, right?" She looked around the table and waited for everyone to nod. Ava slightly nudged Tom's arm. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye to see her smirk at him. Gwen spoke again, "He brings up a good point. I've missed seeing you these past few days Tom."

Emmett was lifting his glass to his mouth when he decided to add his input, "I know someone who has been seeing him..a lot of him possibly." Tom saw Ava jump slightly and glared at Emmett, clearly understanding what he meant. When Emmett snorted after hearing a small thump sound, Tom realized what happened. Ava had kicked him.

Carmine cleared his throat, "Well I certainly hope..that..isn't happening." He gave Ava a look, causing her to sit back in shock.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Gwen interrupted before he could answer, "Carmine, they are both of age and are free to do what they want."


Emmett looked at his plate and off-handedly said, "Like each other."

"Emmett." Gwen gave him a stern look telling him not to continue his line of thought.

"Oh but look at her!" Emmett waved his hand towards Ava and started to grin teasingly at her. "She's starting to blush, maybe something did happen."

Ava glared at him even more. "Would you stop saying things like that! Nothing like..that..is going on."

Emmett started chuckling at Ava's frustration. "Well you could use something to take the edge off." He raised his eyebrows at her. Ava's mouth dropped open at his blatant suggestive comments. If she had her wand with, she would have hexed him already. Emmett noticed the look in her eyes. "What are you going to do, kick me? That's not going to stop me from saying anything."

"Emmett, I swear if you don't stop right now.."

"What?" He gave her a devious smile, "You seem really frustrated Ava. Maybe you should do something about that, or someone."

A harder kick was delivered under the table, but Emmett only leaned back and continued smirking. He reached under the table and rubbed his now sore shin. Ava continued to glare at Emmett, Gwen took a long drink from her wine, Carmine was desperately trying to ignore the conversation, Tom was watching the whole thing with amusement and Lizzie was left confused to what everything meant.


Ava and Tom were walking up the stairs together after dinner ended in silence. Tom was actually worried that she was so quiet. I'm not worried. I don't get worried. Tom stopped outside of his room and Ava continued to hers.

Ava cleared her throat and shifted awkwardly in her spot. Her eyes briefly flickered up to Tom's then away again. "So, um, thanks for coming to dinner tonight." Ava crossed her arms, "Sorry about what happened."

Tom then realized why she was acting so differently, she was embarrassed. He smirked, "I found it to be rather entertaining."

Ava's head snapped up to look at him in bewilderment. Her expression turned to irritation when she realized he was messing with her. "I'm glad you at least enjoyed yourself."

"Oh it wasn't that bad."

"Yes, it was."

Tom rolled his eyes but nodded anyways. He opened the door to his room but faced Ava again before entering. "Then I shall save you further humiliation. Good night." Tom closed his door and Ava opened hers. He stood in front of his door and only left it after he heard a soft 'good night' back. Laying in his bed, Tom thought about the events of that evening.

Perhaps 'family' dinners aren't that bad after all. If only..

AN: Yes, this is a shorter chapter but what else would go in here? Anyways, I promise to make next chapter longer since I have big plans for it!

To save myself the confusion later on, this chapter takes place at about the end of May. The first inspection happened about three weeks after the battle of Hogwarts.

Let me know your thoughts!

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