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          THE MORNING RAIN poured down on Los Angeles like cats and dogs. the clouds were knitted together, and there was a certain color to them. it wasn't a white color, but this beautiful lavender with a mix of a soft blue with pink.

it was beautiful.

the morning mist was now rising from the buildings. people were now getting out of bed, and children were getting ready for school. except for me, who hasn't had any sleep in the past three days and not much food.

my life has been withering away after my parents had split up a month ago. i barely eat, i lose sleep and i never really talk because i do not have anything of importnce to say; if i did, i would spew depressing things. my apperance has changed a lot too; i've got acne, my brunette hair is unkept, my muscles have turned in to bone and my posture is horrible.

all because of a divorce.

my family find this funny, but i think it isn't. who would laugh at circumstances that is very very important and serious? sick people. that's who. i have been hiding from people now because of the humiliation caused by my so-called family. i've turned antisocial (or as my sister puts it, I've become a misogynist or whatever).

it's hurtful and tey know it, yet they are the ones who caused the pain and suffering.

i sigh, setting my book down on the bedside table. i put my glasses on and walk over to my closet. i pick out a simple outfit consisting of an oversize black tshirt dress and my red doc martens. i walk over to my mirror hanging on the wall to check my appearence.

thin wavy brunette hair goes down to the middle of my back, my brown doe eyes have bags under them, and my skin is a grayish color. i look horrible. i walk in to the living room and set on the counter. my mother was standing at the sink drinking a cup of pop. i never really understood why my mother drunk pop in the mornings, or all day for that matter. maybe because it just isn't normal to see someone drink a liquid opposite of coffee or milk in the mornings...

"you have to get going, sissy. it's six fifty-eight. bus doesn't come until seven." her voice was small and tired, just as she looked.

i sigh. "i'm not a kid—i don't take the bus to school. i walk."

"so," she waves the can around in the air, "you still need to get going."

"I know..." I trailed off.

"then go! you don't need to be late." mom suddenly screams at me. this was really unlike her. she seems so frustrated now, and worn out. i guess we're both taking it pretty hard.

i roll my eyes and get up out of my spot and walk out of the door. a huge blast of cold air engulfs me, making me shiver. should've bought a jacket with me, i started thinking to myself.

a few more blocks and I'm already at the school; it's a huge brick building full of shit-eating bastards and people who are full of themselves. i call this place the 'hell hole.' well, doesn't everyone else?

i push through the heavy red double-doors and walk into the building. every student at this school was in the hallways or in the commons area eating breakfast. i scrunch my nose up at the smell of breakfast burritos. in one of the corners of the huge commons area, i see my friends alaina ritchie and maverick cruise. they were standing in one spot drinking water. both of them looked super sleepy.

"hey sunshine," alaina says, my horrible name came from my mentally-unstabled father and my flower-power mother agreed with him. they should've chosen becca or sarah or something like that. but why sunshine?

"what's up?" i asked as i stand beside maverick. i fake a smile and put my hands deep down in the pockets of my dress.

"nothing much, really," maverick clicks his tongue. "oh! did you hear about the new kid? her name is jade worthington, as i remember from yesterday."

alaina's eyes widen. "yeah! i talked to her when i was walking in to school. she's really pretty, short black hair, glasses, little pudgy, nice."

"sounds cool." i said, looking in to space. i seem to be doing that more recently. the first bell rings and everyone in the commons area scrambles to their first classes. sadly, i didn't have every classes with maverick nor alaina. except lunch—which I really hate.

i sigh and open my locker. i grab my chemistry book, math book and my language arts notebook then soon head towards the language arts class. room 2014. miss blankenship.

i take a seat towards the front of the room, slouching down. the class opens their notebooks and writes the bellringer down. then, we start with the lesson, which was rather long.

today is going to be a long one, i thought to myself.

this was short, i know. maybe the next few chapters will be longer—just depends on my schedule. hope you understand. thanks dollies (: !!


K A T  D E N N I N G S

L E O N A R D O  D I C A P R I O

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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