Day 15 - Normal to be Frustrated

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Day 15 – It's normal to be frustrated

Okay, so day 15 and I added more products into the store. Footwear – flats and wedges. It really is the most time-consuming activity of all.

So, one night, I kinda got all excited about having many products in the store. I'm some sort of a simpleton sometimes.

But then, my brain just have to work and function and I did more research about online stores. It's easy with google. I kinda got frustrated with the things I found out. Number of online stores out there, the average pricing per major countries, and wow, I don't think I can offer free shipping. And since I'm using the basic plan, I also can't offer that much gift cards and customized discounts. You know like, generate discount codes, give them to random prospects or to those who abandoned carts. It would be awesome.

Maybe later, then. I still can't quite get my head over the fact that yeah, most successful people are old. But heck, I'm a really impatient person. I might have to do some manual labor again to practice my patience. Just yesterday afternoon, I cut this piece of wood using a handsaw. I'm thinking of building a house for my dog. He gets a little wet whenever it rains, poor thing. He especially likes our front lawn. It will be my next project: Operation Patience.

The point is, don't hold that huge sigh. It's normal to be frustrated.

Come day 16, and be better.


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