Ch. 1

59 2 18

10 year old Josh

"Mom, where are we going?" I asked when my mom dragged me to the car. "Away from your father," she answered, getting into the drivers seat. With that said, she drove away from the place I once called home. A thousand thoughts went through my head as we got farther away from the house. I rested my head on the car's window and started to drift off to sleep. The last thing that came to mind was the fact that we left Phil behind before completely falling asleep.

2 Years Later...

It's been 2 years since my parents got divorced and got separated from Phil. I now live in Vancouver BC, Canada, where I was originally was born. My mom is now married to Miles Ramsay and they changed my last name to Ramsay. I'm not really comfortable with calling him dad so I call him by his first name. One day my mom, Miles and I went to the park like every Sunday when we heard gunshots. Before I knew what was happening, my mom and Miles were on the floor, bullet holes right through their chests. I froze and stared at the man who killed them. He gave me a creepy smile and slowly walked towards me. I tried to run, but he grabbed me and pushed me onto the floor. "You're such a pretty boy," the man said, climbing on top of me. After that, everything was fuzzy. "Hey, young man, are you okay," I heard someone say. I tried to speak, but I made no sound. I heard the person say something along the lines of,"hang on, I'm going to get some help," before blacking out.

Phil's POV

"Phil!" My dad called. "Coming," I called back, going downstairs. "Yes dad," I said once I got downstairs. "We're going to Vancouver BC, Canada," he said. "Why?" I asked, slightly hoping that we were going to visit Josh. "Something happened to Josh," he said before walking out to the car.

DunDunDuuuuunnn. Cliff hanger for all you peeps ~ JoshuaRamsassy

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