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A/N I try first time writing continuous fanfic so yeah I apologize in advance


    I sat in the back seat of the impala sandwiched between the moose and my younger sibling Castiel, bobby and dean sitting in the front so it was packed in the car. I guess the moose gets carsick in the back because he was very pale. "KUMBAYA MY LORD KUMBAYA!" I shouted abruptly breaking the seemingly never ending silence thus causing Dean to swerve and everyone to groan in response. Dean looked back at me and glared and muttered something about how if I would've crashed his baby. Humans are strange. I still thought it was funny. "Get out" I guess I spaced out because apparently we had made to the diner to drop off bobby at his car. Sam and Dean said there goodbyes to Bobby and moose moved to the front seat. I pulled out my phone and started texting moose.

Gaberiel- Sam

Hey moose

What do you want

Can't two pals just text each other

Gabriel we're in the same car you're literally sitting behind me

Touche moose

I seriously don't get you

Nobody does moose nobody does ;)


Sam the moose has left the conversation

"Mooooooooose!" I said attempting to get Sam's attention no response.
"Moose moose moose moose"



I could sense him roll his eyes. "He's so cute when he is annoyed." I suddenly felt the stare of everyone in the car.
"Who looks cute when annoyed"
Dean said questioningly.
My face turned a bright red as I quickly responded "NOTHING". Castiel looked at me with a "I now who you're talking about" look. I rolled my eyes jokingly and looked out the window seeing a state sign pass by.

Welcome to Florida the sunshine state🌞

I looked at Sam who was reading. Of course he's always reading. Cute adorable book moose.

I stared at what he was reading. "How to get over a breakup" didn't expect that then again he is still hung up over what happened to his ex.

I guess he knew I was watching him because the next thing he said was."you wanna read it"
He said blankly.

"Nah I'm good" I responded with no interest in his sad breakup book. But I do feel for him he watched his girlfriend burn on the ceiling so that was probably very traumatic for him. I just wanna hug him so bad.

We finally arrived at Orlando which we would be staying at for the next two weeks. Bobby said we need to rest up if anything happens plus Castiel just really wanted to go to Disney Land.

"We're here"

We arrived at the front gate of Disney it was about sunset there so like 7:00pm ish. We got out of the car dean grabbed two suitcases from the trunk him and Cas. I went to the trunk and grabbed mine and moose's. Handing his to him. He took the suitcase and walked away. Cold shoulder ouch. Not even a thank you.

We got to the room dean unlocked the door. I immediately regretted coming on this trip.

2 beds

"Ok so me and Cas can take one bed and Sammy you and..." Dean couldn't help but start to chuckle.
"You and Gabe can share the other bed"

"NO WAY in heaven or earth am I going to share a bed with Gabriel" Sam said harshly. That hurt.

"I can just sleep on the floor" I retorted quietly. I received a look of sympathy from Castiel.

I got settled into bed and waited for everyone to fall asleep first Dean then I assume Castiel then moose.

I slowly snuck out of the window getting ready to take flight. I fell back into the air plumetting towards the water below. I then flew up in to the air my wings keeping me suspended above the park I sit on the castle looking at the view of the park from the top it was so beautiful I could stay up here forever although I couldn't I could stay up here for the night.

I opened my eyes seeing a merry-go-round lit up in the middle of the night. How did I get here I don't know. But I looked at merry-go-round and as the closer I got to it the more appeared. The ride was covered in blood human blood to say the least and a body on the ride it looked familiar... The hair a brown color and about neck length.


"SAM" I run over to his lifeless blood covered body and attempting to pick him up and find my younger brother and dean. Tears rolling down my face as he lay lifeless in my arms.

Then I woke up. Still on the roof it was still dark and had only been twenty minutes wow. I'm just going to sit here in silence and my own thoughts.

A/NFirst chapter complete criticism is allowed because I don't care

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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