Chapter 2

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//HEYO IM BACK HAIKYUU SEASON 3 BABY! what Nishi said the last line of the show I just can't my heart *dies*//

When the ambulance finally arrived, Kageyama had to argue with the paramedics to be allowed to ride with Hinata on the ambulance.

In the ambulance Kageyama slowly grabbed Hinata's hand and whispered "I'll stay with you" hours went by still nothing Hinata was still asleep and Kageyama was by his side

Morning came and Hinata opened his eyes, where was he, a hospital? He shrugged it off. He went to stretch his arms up but noticed there was a boy grabbing a hold of his arm. Hinata wondered if he knew the boy, but then came to the conclusion that the raven haired boy had just gotten confused with another room. Hinata decided to wake the strange boy "um hello, hi" he shook the boy awake "I'm Hinata... Hinata sho-"

"HINATA!" the boy yelled "oh my god! I'm so glad you're okay!" the strange ravened haired boy picked him up and gave him a huge hug "dumbass why did you pass out on me you had me scared"

"Hey don't call me dumbass, I-I don't even know you" Hinata mumbled "to be quite honest I don't even know why I'm here" Hinata smiled awkwardly and scratched his neck

"No your joking, shoyo you don't remember me" Kageyama stepped back in fear

"Um maybe if you tell me your name, are you maybe a cousin of mine that I haven't met since I was 3" Hinata tilted his head

"Tobio, Tobio Kageyama! Please say you at least remember my name" Kageyama walked to the side of Hinata hospital bed "you have to remember, you're my everything" Kageyama mumbled

"Sorry, Kageyama? You said your name was Kageyama right" Kageyama nodded slightly "sorry Kageyama-kun I really don't"

"I-I understand "Kageyama stuttered, and went out to the hall to call shoyo's mum "hello, yes he's awake but he- he doesn't r-remember anything" at this point Kageyama was crying he managed to get the words "alright bye" out and hang up the phone.. "I can't lose him again I just can't do it"


Hinata got brought home Kageyama was invited to stay the night by Hinata's mum. When Hinata got home he recognized his room his sister and his mum. But what he had forgotten was both his team and his passion for volleyball.

"Hinata sweetie lunch" his mum called

"coming mum" Hinata called back "Kageyama-kun come on" Hinata grabbed his hand and pulled him to the table "so Kageyama tell me about you and me, how did we become friends, what was I like, what do I normally do, do I have any more friends" Hinata said as he kicked his feet happily under the table

"First, you call me tobio"

"Whoa! I call someone by their first name! Awesome! Why"

"Um" kageyama's face went completely tomato red "I-I'll tell you later" Kageyama stuttered

"So what do I normally do?"

"Volleyball, you're a middle blocker and the greatest decoy al-"

"Do you play volleyball tobio?"

"Pshhhh yes of course, I'm your setter! And we do this amazing quick where I tossed the ball at light speed and you can spike it so fast"

"WOAHHHHH I CAN DO THAT! Awesomeeeee it must be all like WOSHHHH and FLEAUW"

"y-yea, it is" Kageyama said as he let out a slight smile

//oya tank for reading - i hope you have day. also don't forget to comment how you feel about this chapter let all your rage out at me for doing this to you and like vote if you think it's good enough//

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