2. Hogwarts

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September 1st

I get in the car with my trunk packed. I didn't bother to get an animal in Diagon Alley, because I didn't have enough money.

When we finally reach the train station, I look at my ticket. It says "platform 9 3/4." I have never heard of such a thing. My parents don't know where the platform is either, so my dad asks a worker.

"Excuse me, sir, could you tell us where Platform 9 3/4 is?"

"Are you mental? There's no such thing." The man turns and walks away.

After wandering the station for a while, I'm close to giving up. Maybe I should have taken reading Hogwarts, a History more seriously.

Just as I'm about to turn to my parents and tell them it's no use, I hear a man say "C'mon, Platform 9 3/4 is this way!"

I look at my parents excitedly and motion for them to follow me.

A girl stands with the man. She explains to me that you have to run into the wall and it will take you into the platform. I watch her go, and gasp when she disappears. I turn back to my parents slowly, my eyes still wide.

"Well," says my mum. "Go on."

"Wait," my dad says. "We can't go through the platform. Only witches and wizards can. So, give me a hug before you go."

Before I can even say anything, he pulls me into a hug so tight that I can barely breathe.

"Let me go," I squeak breathlessly, as the hug knocked the wind out of me.

It takes a while for my parents to finally let me go, but eventually I make it past the barrier and onto the platform.

The smell of the steam from the train fills my nose. Much like Diagon Alley, wizards and witches of all kinds stand, saying goodbye to their children. Soon enough, the whistle blows and I hurry to get onto the train.

I manage to find a compartment to myself and shove my trunk into the overhand compartment. I lean my head back and close my eyes.

Once the train starts moving I realize how much I am going to miss my mum and dad. I am caught up in my thoughts until I hear a knock on the compartment door.

There is a short, thin girl with red hair standing there. I open the door and she says, "Do you mind if I sit with you? I can't find a compartment that's not full anywhere else."

"Oh no it's fine!" I say happily, gesturing to the seat across from me.

It's not until she sits down that I realize I've seen her I say. "Hey, I know you! I saw you at Madame Malkins in Diagon Alley!"

"Oh my goodness, you're right! I'm Lily. Lily Evans."

"I'm Chloe Reynolds."

"Is this your first year at Hogwarts too?" She asks me.

"Yeah. I'm kinda nervous about leaving my parents for so long though," I say.

"I guess you are a muggleborn too then?" She asks.

"Yeah," I say. "What house do you think you will be in?" I ask, trying to make conversation.

"I don't really know," she says. "I've read about them all I just can't decide which is the best for me. I'm sure whatever house I'm put in will satisfy me."

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