Chapter 2: Clara the Punny Motherfucker

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     "Clara, can you pleaseeeee stop making cat puns for five seconds??" I sigh, in my sleep clothes as we all get prepared to sleep for the first night of being at Haven. "Why~? You can't take anyroar puns??" She grinned at me, also in her sleep clothes. I whine in annoyance before falling down on top of her lap. She giggled softly and slowly pet my head, gently massaging my cat ears. I purr happily and nuzzle against her hand. "I guess you could say, your absolutely... APAWLLED by my puns!" She giggled happily and I whined in annoyance, kicking my feet like a child. "I'm gonna fight you I swear!" "Then do it, little kitty~" "But you're shorter then me!!" "That doesn't matter with a war against minds." I pout and nuzzle into her lap. "Stop being mean to me..."

     "Oh come on, I'm not being that mean. Making these puns takes so much out of me! I guess you could say these puns makes me a clawver girl~" I whimper and continued to nuzzle. "What do I have to do to stop this endless punsanity!!" She just rolled her eyes happily and continued to run her hand through my hair, making me purr loudly. "You just made a pun, Terrence." I just purr louder and nod knowingly. "I'm so proud of you. You will truly go far, kid." My words come out muffled into her lap, also being overshadowed by my purring; "You're only a couple months older then me..." "Still older." "Whatever, midget." "I'm not that short!" She gently smacked my head and I giggle happily, sitting up and tackle hugging her, nuzzling into her neck. "You know, I've only known you for less of a day, but I feel like I've known you for years." I mumble into her neck softly, purring. She smiled softly and pet my head. "I feel the same. I can already tell you'll make a very nice friend."

     "A friend eh~?" I pull away and waggle my eyebrows, making Clara giggle and swat my cheek, making me giggle and smile. "Wait till the first dinner alright? And I'm not talking about some cheap fast food shit, I mean a real dinner. No scampering away on me now little kitty." I make an exaggerated pout. "But I can barely even afford fast food! C'monnnnn!" I grin and she just laughed, ruffling my hair. "Whatever, it's time for sleep." I whine in protest as she got in her sleeping bag. "Clara noooo! I wanna talk more!!" "But I wanna sleep! We have a busy day tomorrow. And you better bet I'm going to make sure you're my partner for the training." I whine in annoyance before getting in my sleeping bag as well, slowly falling asleep to the sounds of Clara's soft sounds of content sleep.

     I bolt upright in the middle of the night, grabbing my cat ears quickly before gasping for air, not even realizing I was holding my breath. I continue to breath quickly, my heart pounding as I remembered the nightmare. I look at Clara, still sleeping quietly, but from the look on her face I could tell she was also having a night terror. I frown and slowly get out of my sleeping bag, cautiously walking up to her and curling up in a ball next to her, nuzzling against her side.

     She hugged me close, burying her head into my neck. I sigh shakily and she hugged me tightly. I purr softly and she slowly smiled softly, making me smile. I hugged back and slowly fell asleep once again to the sound of Clara sleeping. Happily knowing that for once in several weeks I'll be able to have a peaceful sleep. I'm also sure that Clara would feel the same way if she was awake currently as well.

RWBY Fanfic: Team OCTONơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ