Chapter One: Runaways

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What drives a girl to run away from the only home she'd ever really known? Why does the Earth spin??

I was nearly finished packing all the things I wanted to take. Three bags, a tiny Coca-Cola backpack, and a shiny green beach box. The beach box had a stereo in the front and opened up into a more lunchbox-looking compartment. It was actually fairly spacious being about a foot and a half long. Anyway, that's what was holding all my things. The box was also responsible for containing my money which was about fifty dollars cash, who knows how many quarters, and an estimated six hundred pennies. Yeah I have a bunch of coins... I'm a collector, blame my grandfather. I decided to take my quarter collection with me, a folder-like green cardboard holder that opens into three sections. There are a bunch of dates in columns across the top and several slots for quarters to fit into, dated to that particular date. I was only missing one for 2009 and of course most of the 2010 coins.

"Back in the day when life was easy, all I needed was friends and a TV. I was young and I never worried, a suburb kid in the 1990's. I trusted you and I always believed, always knew you'd be right there for me. Just a kid with a little faith, just the thought of you makes me feel this way. You got me smiling like a child again! Like I'm back in grade school, you've got me feeling brand new. Just the thought of you reminds me of the good times! Grass stained blue jeans, hyper with ADHD, back when my life was free, reminds me of the good times."

The song played through my headphones, I wasn't big on the Christian Rock culture but Manic Drive was okay. To me, the religious basis of the music doesn't matter as long as it's good. This song just reminded me of the irony that was my life. Whether I believe it or not, it was basically my life from 2003-2006 1/2, nothing mattered then. All I needed to be happy was my friends and a good day or a bad movie.

I saw a light flash through my window. I'd left the blinds up so I could tell when Rebecca got here. My door was closed and I was just about done packing. I waved at my best friend who was holding the flashlight. She gave me a thumbs up, meaning her Audi was waiting and she was ready to go. I crawled over to the window over my bed and multitude of stuffed animals I'd set up there. Don't ask.

I tapped the glass and mouthed to her to take it out. She raised the screwdriver in her hand and began taking out the screws holding the window in. I went back to finish packing. It was about 1:00am and my mother, step-father, and step-sister were all fast asleep. We needed to be quiet.

I felt bad leaving the fourteen year old girl behind, I loved my sister. But I hated the bitch that was my mother. She made life horrible. From all the screaming and yelling, to her calling me names, stupid being one of them, and not supporting my style. So what if I've liked dark colors since I was...eight. It seemed like she was only capable of feeling anger. She was nice for maybe thirty minutes a day, then she went back to being the bitch I know and hate with a fiery passion.

The same went for Rebecca, only the bitch she had to call a mother was abusive as well as just, well, a major bitch. We shared a lot in common, especially with our parents, except mine never hit me or anything like that before.

"Hey, push the screen out." Rebecca whispered after placing the glass on the ground. I walked over and pushed against the black screen. She backed up, putting up her hands so she could catch the screen before it fell. We didn't want the annoying little yapping beast my mother called a puppy to start barking and wake everyone up. It could jeopardize our plan.

Once the screen popped out Rebecca placed it on the ground and leaned into the window. She saw all the toys on my bed and stared down at them with a funny expression.

"What? I can only fit a few in those bags you know." I explained jokingly. She shook her head as if to say "Whatever you say". I went back over to my bags grabbing the pink and blue Tinker Bell one I've had since I was six. I handed it through the window to Rebecca and she took it over to her awaiting car on the side of the road. My guitar inside it's case was next to go.

I had taken everything I needed that was mine in the house earlier before anyone had come home. I also stole $20 from my mom's purse about an hour ago and added it to my hoard. I only needed to put all my writing material in the black bag and I'd be ready to go.

I managed to zip up the zipperand hauled the much heavier black and red bags to my bed and handed them through to Rebecca one-by-one. I slung the Coca-Cola backpack and the green box over my shoulders so the box wouldn't be able to be taken easily unless someone ripped both bags from my arms. I had one more thing to do however. I took a piece of paper and a nearly wasted pencil and wrote out a small note.

"Do NOT get rid of my cats, I will be back for them when I turn 18!"

What? It's not like I could take them with me...

"Hurry up dammit!" Rebecca hissed. I huffed.

"Hang on!"

 I positioned the note so it sat in the lap of one of my millions of teddy bears. I almost put it in the rabbit's lap, but I thought it would be "cuter" if I put it in the little bear's.

"Alright, lets go." I sat on the window sill and Rebecca helped me out. We ran to her car and sped away, leaving the Hell of our lives behind.

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