Chapter 8.

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Natasha P.O.V

I Finish My Shower & Decided to Watch Some Movies. I Lay In Bed , Take The Remote. But Suddenly Steve Phone Rang. He Always Forgot bring his phone...

There's a message from Sharon. I Felt Jealous , But I Open The Message.

Sharon : Hey Steve , I'm In London Now . Mind If I Visit Your Hotel?

Steve : Yeah , I'ts Okay.

Sharon : I Already In The Lobby ,Could You Come Here?

Steve : okay , wait 5 Mins.

Jess! Why Sharon Must Come!?! I Hate Her Soo Much , And she'll come Here! Really? I Delete All Message . I Throw Steve's Phone & Throw My Head to My Pillow.

Maybe they love each other , But I Don't know It for sure. "Hope They Just Friends." I Mumble. I Look At the Door. In 3 Seconds , They'll Come. I Sure They'll Come!


The Room Bel Rang. See? I Always right! I Scream in my Head. I Really Don't Want her Come , She'll ruin My Life!

I Sigh . I Open The Door. It Was Right , Steve Come With Sharon. I Look at Steve , Jealous. I See Sharon & Steve Body Was touching. I Really Mad right Now.

Plus , Sharon Grab Steve's Hand.
That Belongs To Me , Crazy Girl!! I Scream In My Head again. "Get In." I Says Coldly , Leave them alone. I Went to Bed ,Take My Phone.

I Use My Headphone , Don't want to hear what they Talking about. But Shit , i Still Can Hear It. I Roll My Eyes , While Hear What They Talking.

"Can We Hangout Together? Just Two Of Us." Sharon says. Hello!? His Girlfriend Is Here! I Though. "Well , I Can't." Steve Reject It. Good Boy! I Though again.

"Why?" " Well , cause I Have A Plan With Someone." Steve Starch His Neck. Yeah , And Its Me! So don't Ask him again ! I Really Wanna Kick Her Out.

"Can I Sleep Here? Cause I Don't Book any Hotel." Sharon Continued. "WHAT!?" I Scream. They Look at Me. She Sleep Here?!? I Don't Want To. I Looked Away.

"Em...I Mean You Can. So , You Two can Be Sleeping together This Night." I Smile , But Fake. I Take My Jacket. When I Walk towards The Door , Steve Held Me.

"You're Not Going Anywhere." He Look at Me."Don't You Want Spent Some Night With Her?" I Raised One Of My Eyebrow. "Ofcourse Not! I Want To Spent It With You." Steve Hug Me Thigh.

"So Says To Her , She Can't. That's Simple." I Says. Steve Look at Me Blanky. "She'll Sleep Next to our room." Steve Let Me Go. Oh Why She Need to Come Here!?!? I Really Wanna Punch The Wall.

"Gotta Sleep Guys." Sharon smiles & Go Out. I Locked The Door , Turn Off The Light. "Why You Turn off The Light?" She Confused. "You Wanna Spent Night With me ,Right? " i Smirks.

"Yeah That's Right." Steve Smiles & Hug Me.


I Wake Up The Next Morning. I Scrub My Eyes , Look around . I Hear a sounds from my bathroom. The Bathroom was Open , Steve came Out.

"Hey , Good Morning. " Steve Smiles To Me. "G...Good Morning." I Blush , Looked down. "Why You Blushing?" Steve Raised One Of his Eyebrow.

"Eum...Yesterday....That Night...." I Was Now Redder That A Tomato. "Oh , That Night..." Steve Smirks. Come Towards Me. He Hug Me . "I Love You." Steve Says.

I Sigh. "I Always Love You Too." I Says , Hugging Him Back. Then I Hear My Door Bel Rings. I Bet That is Sharon . I Walk Towards the Door ,Open The Door.

Oh , It Was Bryan. I Was Wrong. "Oh Hey ." I Try To Smile. "Yeah , Can We Go ?" Bryan Says. "Oh Wait. I Need To Take A Shower First. Btw , Can steve Go Too with us?" I Ask Bryan.

"Ofcourse He Can!" Bryan smile. "Get in , Wait in There." I Point The Couch inside My Room , And He Nooded.

I Take A Shower & Use My New Clothes. I Met Bryan In The Couch again. "Ready To Go?" Bryan says. "As Always , I'm Ready." I Says.

So Bryan , Steve & I Walking To The Park. "So , How Long You Being together?" Bryans says as He lead the Way. "Ow , where you Know it?" I Ask Him.

"You Two Use The Same Rings." He Look Trough His Shoulder & Smile. "Ow , about a year." I Strach My Neck , look at Steve. He Just Smile.

We Arrived at the Park , Bryan Was Running to Ice cream Car. Steve & i Sit in The Bench , Looking at Him. He Walk to us with 3 Ice Cream in his Hand.

"Here Guys!" He Handed Us A Mint Ice Cream & Vanilla Ice Cream. "Thanks." Me & Steve says it Together." Haha , No Problem!" Bryan says as he Licked his Ice cream.

I Look at steve Who's See Look at All Kids who Was Playing Soccer. He Smiles , And Suddenly he Laugh. I Stare At Him , Looking at his. Then The Ball Roll Towards Us. A Boy With Blonde hair Come And Get the ball.

He Looked Up And Stare at Steve , Then at me. "Is He Your Husband?" The little boy Says as he smile to me.

My eyes are winded , i look at steve , smiling to me. I look at the little child again , make a positive with my head. he gave me a big smiles , Then go away.

We Having A Chit-Chat in The Park As We Eat Our Ice cream . After We Finished it , Bryan Bring Us To Explore Town Of London.

I Hear A Crepe Truck Stop Not Far from us. Bryan Was Excited & Running to buy It. Me & steve Laugh To See Bryan Who Likes Kids. He Already 30 Years Old.

"He So Cute , Like That Kids In That Park." i Giggle. "Yeah , i Think So...." Steve Continued. "Tomorrow is The Mission , Are You Prepare for it?" Steve Says.

"I Don't Need To Prepare Anything." I Continued. "Really?" Steve Raised One Of His Eyebrow. "Yep" I Say.


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