Part One ~ Just a Little Insane.

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Olivia ran from the living room where her three friends were. She ran to the end of the hall, up the stairs, turned left at the top, and found her bedroom door. She was very anxious waiting for the skype call, but she had an idea. Olivia sat at her desk, and got on her computer. She logged on to wattpad. Perfect! Megan was online. Now you may be wondering why Olivia needed Time to be on.. Time, is a time traveler. Go figure. Olivia knew an hour wasn't that long, but she couldn't shake the butterflies in her stomach. She needed to do the skype call, and she needed it to go well. Olivia pulled up Times profile. She clicked Message. She began to type.

"Hey Time! I hope you're on.. I have a favor to ask of you.."


"Hey Olivia, what's up?"


"I need you to send me forward in time."


X) Sure. *Sends you forward in time* lol


"No, I'm serious, I need to be sent.." Olivia looked at the clock. "Fifty four minutes into the future."

Megan was confused, and a bit worried about Olivia


"Um.. Why don't I skype call you, and we'll talk this over. You're being a little.. Insane.."

Within The Hour.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang