Chapter 1: Goodbye

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A/N: Hi guys! This is my first kainora book but I have been watching the atla series since I was like 5 so I really love the series! Kainora is my favourite ship in both Atla and LoK. In this story there will also be some korrasami but not to much, just a couple of references :)

Anyway, without further adu, Continue with the story.


"Will you, Zhu Li Moon, take Verrick, calluses and all?" Bolin asked at the alter of Zhu Li and Verricks wedding.

"I do." Zhou Li answered looking toward her soul mate.

"And do you, Verrick take the beautiful Zhu Li Moon to be your Wife?"

"I do."

"Then I pronounce you man and wife!" Bolin announced and the bride and groom proceeded to kiss. The crowd cheered profusely and everyone made their way to the dance floor.

Kai noticed Jinora standing to the side of the dance floor leaning against a wall. He strolled over to her and that was when he noticed her looking down with a bleak expression. 

"Hey Jin, what's wrong?" Kai asked lifting her chin.

"It's... It's just that Dad has just told me that the air benders are going to have to be split up around the Earth Kingdom to help repair after Kuvira." She said with glossy eyes.

"Hey now, Thats a good thing! We get to help people!" Kai said trying to lighten her spirits.

"I know but the problem is, I have to stay in Republic City while you go to Omashu!"

"Oh." Kai said as he realised what she was saying. He looked up and saw a single tear slide down her cheek. He whipped it away and locked eyes with Jinora. 

"How long am I gone?"

"I don't know."

"Well then, we will just have to wait and see won't we?" Kai said with a smirk whipping yet another tear from Jinora's cheek. "So why don't we enjoy right now, uh?" He said as he pulled off his signature smile whilst offering his hand to Jinora.

As the two made their way to the dance floor Kai started to think. We aren't dating, are we? I mean, I like Jinora. A lot! But I doubt she likes me. I mean, she probably just kissed me on the cheek that one time because she was happy and it was probably just a 'spur of the moment' thing and-- 

"KAI!" Jinora cried while she waved a hand in front of his face causing him to snap back to reality. 

"Sorry... Lost in thought," He laughed as he rubbed his neck awkwardly. He locked eyes with his best friend and wondered how he was going to survive this trip away from this beautiful girl for however long he was going to be away.

>>> Time Skip >>>

"So, Opal, Kai, You two will be going to Omashu for two years, eight months." Tenzin began rattling off assignments to the airbenders. All the air benders were gathered in Tenzin's office listening to where they were being sent to help with the repairs after Kuvira's reign.

"And finally, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo and Bumi will stay here in Republic City to help the avatar and Asami Sato in the rebuilding of the city. Thank you." Tenzin bowed his head and the audience of benders did the same. They began to head out and pack for their trips. 

Kai headed out to the courtyard to get Lefty ready for the big flight ahead.

He heard someone enter the courtyard from behind him. Jinora.

"Hey," He said as he turned to face his best friend.

"Hey," She said with a small smile that gave Kai butterflies.

"Can you be safe? For me?" She asked with a few tears in her eyes.

"Of course I can! It's me!" Kai said with a sly smile. Jinora gave him a slight punch in the shoulder and they ended up just staring at each other. It felt like forever had passed when

"Hey KKKAAAAAIIIIIII!!!!!!!" Cried Bolin through the Air temple. Kai rolled his eyes and Jinora giggled.

"I'm out here Bo," Kai said in a semi loud tone, still looking at Jinora. Bolin came running out of the temple and into the courtyard.

"You thought you were going to leave without saying goodbye to your big bro?" Bolin said with a hug.

"Wouldn't dream of it!" Kai said as he returned the hug. Jinora just laughed at the sight of these two.



"Have you said goodbye to Opal?"

"Oh no," Bolin said with eyes the size of saucepans. "Be right back," He cried as he ran back into the temple. Kai just shook his head and turned to where Jinora was.

Kai didn't know what came over him but he ran and lifted her up and hugged her. Jinora was laughing so much and he loved it.

"KAI!!!!! PUT-HAHAHAHA-ME-HAHAHAHAHA-DDDDDOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" She said all with a smile on her face.

"Ok, ok, but you have to promise me that when I come back there will be zero, and I mean ZERO scratches on you!"

"I promise, but you have to promise to come back," She said still slightly laughing at Kai's antics.

"I promise," Kai was still holding onto Jinora after he hugged her and picked her up so they were very close together. They both began to lean in when

"Kai! Are you ready to go?" They heard Opal call from the temple. The two quickly separated and Kai huffed in annoyance. Those two really have a habit of ruining moments, don't they Kai thought as Opal came around the corner.

"Yep, Lefty is all set and ready for takeoff," Kai said as he pat Lefty on the head. Opal got onto the bison with ease and waited for kai to join her. Kai was about to get on when someone grabbed his hand and spun him around. It was Jinora.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek that left Kai weak in the knees and said this.

"This is going to be a very long two years and eight months," All Kai could do to reply was nod because he was to star struck. Jinora laughed and said goodbye to Opal and then ran back into the air temple, all with Kai standing there, stuck.

"So, You gonna come to Omashu or stay stuck in that position forever?" Opal said with a smirk.

"Oh, Right, Sorry," Kai said as he jumped on his bison. "Lefty, Yip Yip," and they were off to Omashu.

"You really like her, don't you?"

"With all my heart,"


A/N: And there we have it! Chapter one DONE!!! I am going to try and update once a week but I will probably update more if an idea comet me.

There is going to be a chapter up pretty much straight after this so enjoy!



Kainora - The street rat and the bookwormNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ