How you meet😍!!

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You had just transferred to Domino City from Florida and so far you weren't really enjoying it here. Every boy you passed at school either flirted or whistled, it started to tick you off, the more it happened the tighter you clenched your teeth and dug your nails into your palms. That is until you bumped into him. His tri colored hair stuck out all over the place like spikes, he was wearing the school uniform totally nailing it but what captivated you most were his violet eyes and deep, calm voice. "sorry" you apologized gathering your papers from on the floor, "it was an accident" he smiled helping you collect your stray notes. Gosh he was perfect. We both stood up and he looked at me "you must be new here". You blushed lightly "ya my name's _____ ____ I just transferred here from Florida". He nodded that perfect smile still on his lips "my name's Atem but everybody just calls me Yami". Weird name choice but whatever he was still gorgeous. "would you like to join me and my friends for lunch" he offered, you gave him a relieved smile "yes that would be great". He nodded "see you around ____". And from that moment things weren't so bad here.

After 3 hours of being ignored by your whole school you were pretty pissed off. So when you bumped into Seto Kaiba the schools coldest guy, you didn't just murmur excuse me and fade into the background. "watch it!" He snapped,"shut up" you retorted "I am in no mood for your attitude right now". "well maybe if you weren't so blind we wouldn't be having this conversation" he shot back, gritting your teeth you were about to throw back some trash talk when someone grabbed your wrist and dragged you through the crowd "hey" you almost yelled looking at your captor. He was a few inches taller then you with messy blond hair, gold eyes and a mischievous twinkle that danced in his orbs. "names Joey Wheeler and trust me you'll thank me later". 

You felt so alone in this new school, guys gave you curious looks but didn't talk to you an girls just gave you snooty glares. You hugged your books/binders to your chest making your way to your next class,math. You sat down in the complete back avoiding every ones gaze. The teacher walked in eyeing his students with a look filled with annoyance seeing most wee on their phones. Clearing his throat he spoke "class we have a new student today her name is ____ ____ could you please stand up for us ____?". You shook your head "I rather not". The teacher shrugged his beefy shoulders and started with today's lesson. You only payed a little attention to the teacher finding yourself looking at the boy beside you through the corner of your eye. His eyes were the color of the sea only a shade darker, his brown hair tumbling into his eyes. She found it funny that him a boy with bad boy features was paying attention to the teacher, writing down notes here and there. Before you know it class was over,as you were heading out the door he approachd you. "hi?" You said nervously rubbing your arm,"I noticed you were looking at me during class" he said an eye brow raised, blushing madly you looked at the ground and mumbled "sorry".  he chuckles "just don't make it a habit".
  You were walking through a dark ally, coming home from your crushes totally lame party when you felt like you wee being watched. Giving a glance over your shoulder you spotted a guy with white hair following you about 10 feet back, swallowing your fear you continued on hoping he would ignore you and maybe only be passing through here as well. You picked up your pace eager to get out of the ally way, when a hand all of a sudden covered your mouth while the other shoved you against the wall and held a knife against your throat. Your heart was in your throat pounding so hard it was agonizing, "wha, what do yo,you want?" You stammered feeling the knife dig gentally into your skin, "nothing" he smirked with a devilishly handsome smirk I may add, wait what!?!!? "I just enjoy people's fear". Your ____ eyes widened, "you surprise me though" he continued "most people would be crying,begging for mercy, screaming" his eyes glinted "but you are doing neither". You gulped,avoiding his gaze "look at me" he barked, your chin jerked back up at the sound of his voice. "what's your name girl" he asked or rather ordered "____" you squeaked cursing your betraying voice. He smirked removing the knife from your throat "see you around _____".

   Being a new student always sucks for most people but you had been a new student so many times it was nothing new. So when you exchanged schools again you went through the same drill figure out your schedule find classes and ignore everyone, who needs friends when all you do is move in another month or so. The people at this school were friendly enough but why do you care?
Sitting down at a lunch table in the cafeteria,alone, you took out your lunch and began eating a/an _____ while looking over your notes for science (if you don't ever do that so what). 5 minutes could have passed when a boy sat down across from you,you payed no attention just read your notes silently. He cleared his throat. Loudly. You looked up annoyed "do you need a cough drop or somethingggg", he was gorgeous that is the only word to describe him gorgeous. He had long blond hair that hung in his beautiful lavender eyes, the most amazing tan,lots of bracelets and eye makeup like the Egyptians. Wow. "no" he said sweetly "I don't need a cough drop I just wanted your attention", you blushed a little looking away to focus on anything but his face,your eyes moved away only to move to his stomach. Curse his belly shirts. He snapped his fingers Infront of your face jolting you out of your trance "sorry" you mutter embarrassed, he shrugs "my name's Marik you new here?".  

Yami Marik(but let's call him Malik)
They said he was crazy, they said he was mental but that didn't stop you from developing a small or maybe large crush on Malik Ishtar. Apparently he sent people to the shadow relem but that just made him sexier. The only problem was that he avoided contact with everyone but his twin brother Marik and his sister Ishizu. After a while your crush on him started to cool down a little and he didn't take up so much of your mind space. 
Walking home from a friends place one night(better for the environment) you noticed Malik pointing his millennium rod at your ex boyfriend Matt who had broke your heart once and cheated on you for your slutty cousin(sorry if you love all your cousins I for one do). He was on his knees begging Malik to spare his life,it was all quite amusing actually and you accidently let out a snicker. Malik turned around sharply only relaxing when he saw it was you, he cocked his head "do you find this amusing human?",you giggled nodding your head up an down. Malik smirked gesturing with his finger for you to come,smiling you did. Matt's eyes widened when he saw you "____" he breathed "help me please", "why" you sneered "you cheated on me for my cousin", Matt struggled to a sitting position "I'm sorry babe it was mistake really I still want you back and I regret that mistake everyday if my life", you gave him a hard look "no". Malik let out a maniac laugh "if seems that no one will save you pathetic human" he turned to you "now ____ would you like to know how my rod works and perhaps I dunno use it on your puny ex". You have a cruel smile "absolutely". Malik guided your hands into a certain position and said "now all you need to say is be gone to the shadow relem". Turning towards Matt you gave him your coldest snarl "this is for breaking m heart". 

  You had asked the principle if it was okay to stay after school and familiarize with it and he surprisingly said yes. So here you are touring the halls of your new school when you spotted an open classroom door, frowned slightly the principle had said that there were no teachers, the custodian was on holidays and you were pretty dang sure you hadn't been in there yet. Peeking inside you spotted Duke Devlin the school heart throb in all his glory standing by one of the desks scribbling some notes down from on the board. You quickly backed away hoping he didn't notice you but sadly he did "oh the new girl right" he said with a charming smile,you nodded shyly unsure of what to do. "Duke Devlin and what may I ask is your name fair lady". Wow did he talk to every girl like this?  You blushed "____ ____",he gave you that million dollar smile with his perfect teeth "pleasure to meet you ____ now what may I ask are you doing at the school at this hour". "touring" you mumbled flushed. Duke walked over offering you the crook of his elbow "shall we tour together" he asked, you nodded taking his offer.

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