"Alright. Only because you're so cute." When he received a blush in return, he chuckled before pulling you outside and walking to your home, two pairs of icy blue and chestnut eyes glaring at your backs. Damnit.


Friday was a blur and it was finally Saturday. You were finally going on your date with Ichigo and you were bouncing off the walls from pure excitement. It was a little chilly outside, so you decided to go with a black leather jacket with a [F/C] dress, white thigh highs, and black combat boots. You slightly curled your [H/L] hair and applied just a bit of eyeliner and mascara to enhance your eyes.

Your doorbell rang and you ran downstairs and swung the door open to reveal no one. A frown etched itself on your face before your gaze happened to drop and see a bouquet of cherry blossoms laying on the front step. How cheesy. You picked up the flowers before heading inside and placing them on the table. "Hm?" You plucked a card from the bouquet before smiling and speeding out of the house.

"Take 20 steps from your door and turn to the right. Take 20 more and there'll be the start of our date night." As you excitedly counted each step to the beginning of your date, you couldn't help but giggle. Ichigo really was the best. You stood in the middle of the sidewalk before feeling something brush against the toe of your boot. Reaching down, you happily grabbed another note taped to the sidewalk.

"You look great, my dear and you're doing quite well. Turn to the left, walk inside, and ring the bell." You walked across the street to the suspiciously dark restaurant and slipped inside, seeing a bell right above your head. Reaching up and giving it a quick jiggle, you were surprised at the lights suddenly cutting on, temporarily blinding you.

Once you regained your vision, there stood a spiky redhead with a waiter's outfit and a menu in his hands. "Are you [Y/N] [L/N]?" You were so thrown off by Renji's maturity that you forgot to nod. He raised a crimson eyebrow before you finally nodded in response. "Right this way, ma'am." You followed closely behind the redhead before grinning like an idiot.

Ichigo patiently sat at an empty table covered in a silk tablecloth and a freshly polished candelabra with three candles lit. You giggled as he stood and engulfed you in a tight hug, nearly swinging you in the air. As soon as he put you down, his eyes roamed your body and he could feel a blush rising. "Wow.. I knew you looked great, [Y/N], but this.. You're slaying my heart as we speak."

He led you into your chair and pushed it in for you, taking a seat across from you and grabbing your hand. Before he could admire your beauty any further, he was interrupted by the clearing of someone's throat. You both turned to see a rather short blue-haired male frowning at your displays of affection. "May I start you off with a drink tonight?"

Ichigo was getting the best kick ever. Seeing his senior Toshiro Hitsugaya calmly taking their order made him snicker and earn a glare in return. "I'll take a lemonade without the lemon." Seeing his eyebrow twitch, he shook his head. "You know what? Never mind. I'll take a water with a lemon slide and one of those cute umbrellas you see on the movies."

Toshiro was beyond pissed. Not only was he woken up early on a Saturday morning, but here he was, pretending to be a waiter for Ichigo's stupid date. Not that you were bad-looking. In fact, you were one of the most decent looking girls he's ever seen and that's saying something considering the fact he hung around Rangiku all the damn time.

Before he could blow a casket over drinks, you quickly intercepted with your own order. "Ah, just a water for me too. With a lemon. Too." God, you were too cute for your own good. You watched as the senior stomped off to the kitchen area, yelling and throwing down his pad before seeing him walk outside from the back and down the street to ultimately disappear. So much for that. You glared at Ichigo for storming your waiter away.



Your waiter was quickly replaced by another, one you recognized from some of your other classes. Shuhei Hisagi, one of the cutest guys you've ever laid eyes on. From all of the tattoos he bore to his toned arms, he looked like something straight from a fanfiction. He came out with your drinks, shooting you two a smile before giving you time to order food.

Ichigo ran his thumb over the back of your hand before smiling. "I'm really glad you came today. We're going to have a lot of fun." He took a sip of water before going back to staring at your beauty. He was ridiculously smitten and he didn't even care.

You smiled at your date before brushing a strand of hair from your face. "I believe you, Ichigo. Everything so far has been great." You squeezed his hand lovingly before watching Shuhei walk back over with a notepad in tow.

"What would you guys like to eat?" Ichigo knew better than to upset Shuhei. He was a chill guy most of the time, but he was pretty tough. He didn't miss how his eyes seemed to linger on you before glancing at him with a smirk and a thumbs up.

You, oblivious to the scene before you, hummed while flipping through the lamented pages. "I'll have some [F/F]. For dessert, I'll have the cookie and ice cream platter." Finishing off your order, you looked over at Ichigo before frowning. "Ichigo?"

"Oh. Um, I'll have the curry with soup on the side. No dessert for me. We'll just share." After Shuhei took down your order, he proceeded back into the kitchen, leaving you two alone once again. "Man, you're so beautiful. Why didn't I do this sooner?"

You blushed a wild color of ruby before looking away. He was such a smooth talker. "Oh, shut up, Ichigo." You pouted at his knowing smirk before letting it fall from the flurry of giggles rising from within you. Soon, he joined your laughter and the two of you laughed as if you had nothing to worry about.

At least not yet.


After the two of you ate and conversed with the "staff" of the restaurant, you bid them all goodnight before heading into phase two of your date: taking a stroll through the park with the cherry blossoms. You two laughed and joked around as you spun around the fountain with your love. This feeling taking over your chest was unfamiliar but nowhere near uncomfortable.

You stood under the moonlight with Ichigo Kurosaki, the boy you thought you wouldn't give the time of day. The boy who made you sneer every time you walked into class. The boy who was strangely like you in several ways. The boy with the contagious smile. The boy you fell in love with.

Staring into pools of [E/C], Ichigo could feel his heart drop to his stomach. He thought you'd be annoying and problematic, but really you turned out to be the opposite. You understood him and his struggle more than anyone he has ever talked to. He never thought he could fall in love like this.

As if on some sort of cue, the cherry blossoms began to whip around the two of you, sending everything in a flurry of pink and white around the happy couple. Rukia and Rangiku Matsumoto, one of Rukia's best friends, high fived each other with fans in their hands.

"I.. I think I like you."
"Good. So do I."

Running a delicate hand through his soft orange locks, you smiled as he kissed your forehead and tightened his grip on you. You could feel the nervous waves running off of his body. You had a feeling as to what was about to happen next.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, I will."
"Will you go on another date with me?"
"Yes, I will."
"Will you let me carry you home?"
"Yes, I- wait, what?"

At the last question, he devilishly picked you up into his arms and began to race home, ignoring your desperate attempts and pleas of freedom. Ah, young love. It was so beautiful.

Too bad it'd come crashing all down.

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