Diary of the Dead- Day1:

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Hey everyone, I hope you all like this book. Please read, vote, ect..


  There was an accident at the CDC and a virus had escaped. It was a T-virus, a virus that turnes people into flesh craving creatures. Once you get bit, the fever hits, then you start seeing things you never knew existed. Before you know it, your a dead corps walking around with no mind. Doesn't sound to complicated does it? I didnt think so. Well now that I have said that, im Alex, Alex Stone. Before the virus hit I was a former U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant E-6. I have a couple weapons with me.I have aBrugger & Thomet MP9, an M-249 SAW, along with a Katana.

  I have taken shelter in the city under a big sterdy tree, for the past three days. Its= has been ok but im gonna gather supplies and head for the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta tomorrow morning. Until then, A. Stone Staff Sergeant E-6 U.S. Marines Out.

Later That Day:

    I decided to go into town to get supplies to day so I could get an early start tommorrow. When I went into town, I ran into a group of those things. They are horrible creatures. It was not long ago when I watched my family get torn apart by those things.... The day the infection hit, the U.S. government decided it was best if they quarantined the whole state of Georgia. Well anyways as I got into town I noticed a flier that said, ''The last safty boat leaves Tybee Island, GA on June 5th!!!''

The thing is today is May30th. How am I supposed to make there within six days? The other thing is, that I'm in Atlanta, and I would say that it's about a 265 mile trip...... Until later A. Stone U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant E-6.

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