Chapter 2

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The train gradually got slower and slower until it was completely stationary, the breaks grinding against the rotating wheels. Bella could hear the excited squeals of her fellow students from all directions. Tom stayed in exactly the same position, holding off all curiosity he may have had. Bella stood up and paced towards her side of the window, pressing her pale face to the glass, eyes darting. They locked onto a silhouette of the huge castle in the distance, standing tall in all its splendour. Her jaw dropped, as she realised that this would be her home. Hogwarts.

"Hey, Tom, look at this!" She cried, a huge grin planted on her lips. She beckoned him over furiously. Tom eventually obliged.

"What is it?" He wasn't as enthusiastic as Bella, but he wanted to know what was going on.

"Look! Over there!" Bella pointed towards the castle. Tom squinted as he studied the outward appearance of Hogwarts school. Tom's faces turned pale as sadness and worry filled his head.

Tom sat back down again. Bella followed, sitting down next to him.

"He told me it was a school, he lied, it's not. It doesn't look like a school. Are they going to lock me up?" He asked solemnly.

He buried his head in his hands, as if to regret boarding the train. Bella leaned forwards and looked at him.

"Of course not! Cissy's been coming here for 3 years!" She said, hoping that it would comfort him.

He lifted his head, staring directly into Bella's eyes. He nodded subtly and stood up, Bella also rose from her seat.

"Come on," she said, jolting her head towards the door.

They heaved the door open and stepped off the train. They followed the crowd of first years down along the platform, turning off into a winding path. Trees loomed over, forming a roof over their heads, shadows flickering behind the bushes.

They trudged on for what seemed like forever, until they could see the glistening waters of the lake. The first years piled into boats in groups of four. Soon, only Bella and Tom were left. They both scrambled into the remaining boat, Bella tripping over, escaping unscathed.

Bella sat at the rear, Tom on the left. The boat departed from the shore, leaving a wake of small waves. The water was as dark as night, to match the skies above. The waves glimmered in the light of the moon. A smile emerged from both of their faces as they exchanged glances, both knowing that this would be a great year.

The boat hit the shore, stopping suddenly. it forced them to sway vigorously, Bella's head swimming. It took a moment to recover before they climbed out of the wooden boat, hitting the wet grass with a thud.

Bella surveyed her surroundings, gaping at the sheer beauty of the castle. She stood frozen to the spot in awe, oblivious to anything else.

"Bellatrix, hurry!" Exclaimed Tom, who beckoned her to follow him.

Bella obliged, scurrying towards her new friend. She found it odd that he called her by her full name, as only her father would call her that when she was naughty.

She carried on pacing behind the other first years, stopping briefly at the entrance to compose her nerves that were getting the better of her once again. She ran to keep up with the group, stumbling on the way.

When they reached the top of a winding staircase, everyone stood still as they were greeted by a man with a long beard, his hair starting to turn grey. Tom leaned in to whisper to Bella,

" I know him. He came to me. I don't trust him." This filled Bella with doubt, but it soon melted away.

Bella stood, pretending to listen. Her father had already explained this stuff about houses to her. She rotated her head, expecting Tom to do the same. She could see Tom listening intently to every word. She found this rather odd, considering their earlier conversation. After what seemed like hours, they were finally let into the great hall.

The huge doors swung open, revealing a large room full of witches and wizards. The sky resembled a clear night sky, stars twinkling peacefully. She followed the crowd of other excited first years as they marched down the middle of the room.

They halted in front of a large chair, a table standing on it's right hand side. Perched on the table was an unusual black hat, it's tip crooked. The professor took out a large scroll from his robe and adjusted his half moon glasses. He cleared his throat and read.

"Lily Evans," he proclaimed, as a red haired girl stepped over to the chair nervously. The hat was placed on her head. There was an eerie silence before the hat started to speak.

"Ahh I see," it said, "eager to learn and a kind heart, but it will have to be... GRYFFINDOR!"

Applause filled the hall as she took her seat. The next name was read out.

"Sirius Black," Bella watched as her own cousin strided to the chair. She knew that the next word to be heard was Slytherin, after all, her family had been in Slytherin for centuries.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Spoke the sorting hat. Applause rang out, but Bella was in shock. A Black. In Gryffindor.

"Bellatrix Black," Bella cautiously made her way to the chair and sat down. She shivered uncontrollably with fear. What she heard next was sheer relief.

"SLYTHERIN!" A nervous smile spread across her delicate face, as she hopped down to join her fellow house members as she was greeted by many others.

The sorting took ages to finish, but she was so glad that Tom had also been sorted into Slytherin. A few others also, including a boy with long blond hair and a downcast looking boy with pale skin and greasy jet black hair. A few safety announcements were read out before piles of food appeared on the tables all of a sudden. Only then did Bella realise how hungry she was, and loaded her plate up with delicious food.

Heart of Gold (Bellamort fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن