episode 28

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misaki  pov

this is already our  3rd subject.  and im just listening to sensei. then sensei told us that we are going to have a group project. " okay class  group yourself into two and discuss about our report." sensei said.  then i just put my hand in my chin and look at the window. " misaki-chan, can we be partner?." hinata said. " no, can we be partner?." the three idiot said. " but i only need i partner, not four partner!" i said.  the three idiot groan and walk away.  aaaah they are realy an idiot. " soooo lets be partner then, misaki-chan" hinata said. " since i dont have a partner, ok then." i said. then we start our descusion.

usui pov

i am just looking at the window and staring in the tree and a bird chirping. i wish its already our break. because i wanna go outside and relax myself because of what happened awhile ago.  suddenly sensei interupt my thinking world. "usui. usui usui!" sensei said. " go at the board and solve this problem" sensei said. then i go to the front and solve the problem. good thing it is fraction. fraction is so easy. then i solve the problem and go back to my sit.
and i go back to my own world.

misaki pov

me and hinata start our descussion.  while im talking hinata is eating bread crust. it is so annoying. " hinata i said keep your food in your bag and cooperate!" i said with an aora in my whole body.  then hinata stop eating and stare at  me, all of my classmate also stare including sensei. " gomenasai" i said while my head is down.  then hinata is still eating his bread crust. then the bell rang. i was about to go outside when sensei called my name. "misaki" sensei said. "what? sensei" i said with a polite expression. i am now scared of what happened awhile ago. please dont tell me im in detension for one day.
" so what are you planing for the graduation?" sensei said. "i still dont have, but i am thinking before the graudation. we will make a last festival" i said. " ok, and find the vice president and the others" sensei said. " hai sensei" i said.then i walk a way. then im keep on finding yukimura. yukimura is the vice president. then i saw kanou, the bunny ear eyeglasses. "kanou do you know where is yukimura?" i said. "yukimura is at the student council room" kanou said. "arigato" i said. then i went to the student council room. i saw yukimura checking the papers. "yukimura" i said. "nandiska (what is it) kaichou" yukimura said. "sensei talk to me and we need to talk about the graduation and the festival call the others so we could have meeting" i said. " hai kaichou" yukimura said and walk away. then i sit down.  then i looked at the papers that yukimura cheked and i also cheked the other paper. "were here" yukimura said. "please sit down, and we will have a meeting about what are we gonna do in the festival and graduation" i said. and they all sit. "what if we make a sugestion box so the others can say what is thier opinion." the secretary said. "okay" i said. then we make a sugestion box then we go all around the classroom and the students writing thier opinion, while i am at the front talking. "i am here to told you about the graduation and the festival are comming soon so you can write thier about your opinion" i said. and once they are done a walk around to their classroom. then they fold the paper and put it in the box. then i go to usui's classroom, then i see usui at the back siting and he is looking at the window.i wonder what is he looking at. then i give a spech again. and the vice president give them a paper and the student write what is their poinion about the graduation and the festival. and usui also write what is hes poinion. and i roum all around the classroom and they fold the paper and they put it in the box."arigato" i said. then we go to the student council room. " good job evryone" i said. then we rest for awhile. then we go to our own classroom, when i go to my classroom i miss the 4th subject so it was now our 5th subject "gomenasai sensei" i said. "its okay you may now go to your sit.

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