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Years of training prepared him for this day. He awaited this chance from the time he left the Officio Assasinorum. There were other Vindicaries chosen for this job but the one Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor begged to differ. The Inquisitor chose him specifically. To this day he wondered why the mission was given to him while he just arrived on Holy Terra, he wanted to rest after being ordered to kill an Ork Warboss.

The sound of a truck backing up startled him, he quickly droped his Exitus rifle and grabed his holsterd laspistol, cursing softly at the truck, he then picked up his rifle and continued to stay at the hillside. He didn't chose to stay there because of the wondrous view of the refinery but because his calculations and his high intelligence told him that, this spot was perfect for a clean shot to the skull of his target. He wasn't even informed on who is target was the only clues the Inquisitor gave was that the target was a heretic, a Planetary Governer and he always stays in his house. And to him that was enough information to kill him, like any other loyal servant of the Emperor, he hated heretics and will not miss a '            chance to kill them. He tightend his grip on his rifle, rested the stock perfectly relax on his shoulder, filtered out unwanted sounds like the heavy rain and looked down the sights once more.

Before he arrived on the planet, he looked at the blueprints of the refinery, the layout of the land and searched for the perfect vantage point. And like the hololithic blueprints he used the refinery was identical no additions to the refinery what so ever and the weather was in his favour with the heavy rain cooling the area and human body tempretures increasing this made it easier for his mask to pick up the target. The refinery was like any refinery he saw in his travels around the galaxy, it was just a large building with several towers for smoke to escape . The assassin waited but due to habit and training he didn't look at where the target was suppose to arrive but instead looked at several other areas to see if any sort of changes could come to effect and when he looked around the refinery, he saw 3 other possible attempts where the target might appear. But none the less he didn't even move from this position for well over 3 days and will not move until the mission was over.

And there it was his target arriving in a Valkyrie possibly just coming back from the Alpha Hive spire and not even knowing that a Vidicarie Assassin is ready to take his life in an instant. But he knew it wasn't time yet, so he decided enjoy another of his habits, which was to look at every surrounding detail. And with a deep breath  he looked at the Valkyrie his target just came from, the Valkyrie’s paint was quite faded, the cockpit screens were slightly dirty, the grass was in a sickly green colour, the guardsmen armour were all in brownish colour and the clouds were like a thick blanket of cotton wool. He resumed his position, tightened his grip, rested the stock, filtered the sound and looked down the sights one more time.

The target took one step out of the Valkyrie and he was greeted by several other figures mostly guardsmen who are made to protect him, tech-priests who were relaying him details of the refinery and progress of it as well and of course he was accompanied by several other important looking figures, each not knowing what might happen to the Planetery Governer. The assassin was readying his Exitus rifle slowly checking it and even saying a few litanies to sooth the rifles machine spirit. His heartbeat was constant but he could feel the atmosphere tensing around him like a choking hand. The Governer stopped when a Tech-priest was there talking to him, but it wasn’t time yet. The Governer stopped again when he dropped his chronometer to the ground and slowly picking it up without knowing what might happen, but it still wasn't his time yet. Not just yet the assassin knew when to kill him, he needed to account of his environment ensuring his bullet would hit the heretic Governer perfectly and without causing so much distraction. He took several intervals of deep breaths, his chest expanding slowly and shrinking back afterwards, the rain pattered over him like a small drum beats and said his the Vindicarie Temple’s motto in High Gothic, “Exitus Acta Probat” . And there it was before the Governer could even enter the refinery, his head simply turning into a red mist of grey matter and fragments of his skull moving into several different directions like a firework. The men around moved back in horror and what just happened. The body fell to the ground not moving and massing a pool of blood on where the head should be. And just like that it ended, the assassin slowly his scope to see how much damage he caused and to see if any alarms were raised  but again his heartbeat was constant as if he didn't care what happened. He was trained not to feel any form of pity or mercy. And just like that it ended.

The Vindicarie Assassin slinged his Exitus Rifle across his shoulder and walked away slowly not even caring of what happened at the refinery, not even caring of the loud blaring sirens and not even caring of taking someones life. He didn’t care what happened to the Governer because the Inquisitor specifically said that the man was a heretic and that was a good reason to kill him in the assassin’s book. He carefully walked back to his ship, his ship was like him sleak and nearly invisible. Nearing the ship he immediately switched off his cloaking suit and went inside without looking back. And that was the way, an assassin of the Vindicaire Temple worked.

And to them  The Outcome Justifies the Deed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2012 ⏰

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