Chapter 5 Heaven

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"I thought I heard it come from this way!" someone shouted.  Everyone was in a panic a strange sound happened.  "I found something!" someone else shouted somebody "Blood and lots of it!" "It looks like who or what ever it was came out of Hell." "Here it is!  It looks like a human!"  "Take him to the hospital straight away and once he awakens question him."  said someone stepping out of the shadows.  "Yes sir!" shouted a person near SoniK's body.

----------------One Earth Year After SoniK Leaves Hell-----------------

"Cassandra" "What?" "Why is the sky red?"  "I don't know" "Maybe something happened in heaven." said Death after he ask her the questions.  "Ok I'll go up to Heaven and see what happened, but I need to talk to Ethan first." said Cassandra "Ethan," "Yeah" "Can you see what is going on in Hell because I need to check Heaven.  "Ok Cas I'll be right on that."  Ethan take off to Hell and Cassandra takes off to Heaven.  Ethan walks around the village where Leonardo and SoniK were.  Ethan ran towards the villagers on the ground.  "Who did this to you?" "The wanted man SoniK."  replied one of the villagers.  "Why is he wanted?" asked Ethan.  The villager that he was talking to went unconscious.  Another villager woke up and answered his question.  "He is wanted because he took the prince."  "Why would he do that?"  "I don't know but they headed towards the elevator to Earth and Heaven."  After that she went unconscious.  Ethan raced toward the elevator and saw the cooled lava.  Ethan ran on the cool lava toward the elevator.  Ethan came upon a had sticking out of the lava he walked over to the hand and then he pulled the hand which brought out the body.  "Who's body is this?"  Ethan then stood up and brought the body up to Earth.  Ethan looked back at the ground was no longer red but green.  Ethan walks away from the elevator but then notices something about the ground.  The ground was blood red in a path.  Ethan walked on that path to a hospital.  Ethan walked all the way to the coroners office.  "Please check this body." said Ethan to the coroner.  "Ok I will let you know when the body is done." said the coroner to Ethan.

-----------------------After Ethan Went To Hell, On Earth---------------

"Cas before you go."  "What?" "Be careful and stay safe the sky looks like blood after all."  said Death. "Don't worry I'll be safe but people in my way might want to watch out." said Cassandra. Cassandra then took to the heavens and Death walked away.  Cassandra flew up past the clouds and into a town.  "What's going on here?" she asked as everybody is running in the opposite direction.  "Hurry someone that is human like creature is in our hospital."  Cassandra's heart skipped a beat.  She instantly took off in the direction of the hospital.  By the time she got to the hospital it was packed full and you couldn't even get in the front door.  All of the sudden her heart skipped a beat again and she fell on the ground and she started to cry.  Every angel saw her fall and cry they asked her why she was crying and she said "I might know that person in the hospital so can you let me through?"  "Yes, let her through!" angles were screaming left and right.  She eventually got to the room and looked at the body.  She started to cry this is SoniK she thought.  "I missed you."  Cassandra said with tears coming down her face like rivers and she lightly brushed her hand along his face .  "Can I bring him back to Earth?"  Cassandra asked the angel doctor.  "No.  I'm sorry but he will die if he is moved to much because as you can see he has been wounded very seriously and almost fatally."  the doctor said as he showed her what was under the blanket.  Cassandra fell on the floor and cried even harder.  One walked through the crowd and said "Is that you Cassandra?"  Everything got silent and Cassandra slowly turned to look.  "Oh my word it is you Cassandra."  "It is the cold hearted ex-chief of the royal guard!  And is she crying?!"  "I guess anything could happen in a long time."  Angels said back and forth to each other.  "Cassandra why are you crying for this person?" asked her old Commander  "I'm crying because he is the only one who has ever showed me compassion or sympathy and because he and I are soon to be engaged or a least I hope."  Out of nowhere people burst into tears and she asked.  "Why are you guys crying?" "Turn around" said her old commander.  She slowly turned around and SoniK was staring at the ceiling but then fell asleep again.  Cassandra walked closer and started to cry she then sat down in a chair next to SoniK and didn't move.  During the next couple of hours angels slowly started to walk away.  The old commander fell asleep in the room but when she woke up she saw that SoniK was moving his hand toward Cassandra's hand.  The old commander smiled and Cassandra felt something soft but warm holding her hand.  SoniK, Cassandra and the old commander fell asleep.  During the night an explosion went off and the old commander and Cassandra woke up and SoniK started to flat line.  The old commander told Cassandra to grab SoniK and jump out the window.  "What are you going to do?"  "I'm going to save the doctor that can save SoniK."  "Hurry go now!"  The old commander yelled at Cassandra.  Cassandra jumped out the window with SoniK on her back.  Angels were surrounding the hospital with buckets of water and hoses.  "Hey look at that!"  an angel screamed pointing at the shattered window of the hospital.  "Doctor that can treat that human like patient are you here?"  yelled the old commander.  "Cough, Cough,  Yes I am here but I'm stuck under these objects!" shouted the doctor back.  The old commander ran into the room with the doctor in it.  The old commander moved all the objects off of the doctor.  "Let's get you out of here!" screamed the old commander who had no choice but to yell because explosions  were going off all over the place.  The old commander ran to the window that Cassandra broke and she jumped out the window with the doctor.  "Hurry help SoniK!" "Why?" "Why? Why? Because he is flat lining that's why!" screamed Cassandra.  The doctor quickly helped Cassandra and SoniK. "I'm glad you got me here in time or else he really would have died."  Cassandra and the old commander got the doctor and SoniK a safe location.  Cassandra, the old commander and the doctor treated SoniK, Cassandra and the old commander's wounds.  When they all woke up except SoniK it was around noon.  Cassandra looked toward SoniK in the bed to make sure he was safe and nothing was going on and SoniK was still unconscious in the bed.  "Good you're awake."  said the old commander "Why don't you go for groceries?"  "Ok I'll be back with groceries."  Cassandra leaves to get groceries.  Cassandra comes back with the groceries.  Cassandra drops the groceries on the ground because what she sees is not good.  The old commander was on the ground with the doctor unconscious and the bed was destroyed.  "Where's SoniK?" Cassandra wouldn't stop screaming.  Cassandra found a note and it said "Cassandra don't worry about me I am fine but I can't be near you without hurting you so far now this is goodbye.            From SoniK"  Cassandra then fell on the ground and cried for 1-2 hours straight.  Cassandra then went back to Earth and to her friends.  SoniK is in Heaven but he is evading everyone even me." "Well he was in Hell with Leonardo but Leonardo died completely." "What about Jack?" "No one has spoken to Jack yet."  Amanda screamed "Jack where are you?"

-----------------After Cassandra Left To Get Groceries------------------

"What's this? This can't be right."  said the doctor "What do you mean?" "His vital signs are higher then the average human, demon, angel, and reaper." Out of nowhere the bed exploded and SoniK stood up.  SoniK instantly knocked out the old commander and then the doctor.  SoniK then jumped out he back window. SoniK was limping through the back streets when a mysterious figure showed up.  "Who are you?" "You don't remember me oh well can't be helped."  It then grabbed SoniK's arm and vanished with SoniK.  They then appeared in a dark room the mysterious figure then moved the curtains and pure white light filled the room.  The mysterious figure was then shown.  "Who are you?" "I am the prince of Heaven your third part." "What do you mean?" "You are one part, Cane is your second part and I, Abel, am your third part."  "Ok, well let's go." "Go where?" asked Able.  "Why to leave here of course." "The portal is that way and I can heal you."  "Thank you" SoniK said as Able entered his body.  SoniK suddenly grew stronger and was able to heal faster.  SoniK walked toward the portal.  SoniK saw some shadows and then angels landed all around him and said "You're under arrest we are the royal guard that protects the prince of all costs."  One of them pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to SoniK and on it something was written it said "SoniK bounty over $2 billion" "Oh come on." SoniK then transformed into Cane and Cane looks like the blood reaper but so black that it couldn't be taken care of by blinding sun rays.  Cane then destroyed the ground under the royal guard.  SoniK goes back to normal form and slashes at his back but the blade gets bounced back.  The person stands up and yells out SoniK's name.  SoniK turns around and sees who it is and it is Jack.  "SoniK I know that we are best friends but for me to stay alive you need to die."  Jack, in full angel armor ran, towards SoniK and stabbed SoniK in the side.  "You done yet?"  "No, I'm not done till you're dead." SoniK then decides to summon both Cane and Able at the same time.  Cane and Able tuned into swords that SoniK could hold.  SoniK charged at Jack and they fought on the same level for hours.  Each attack came down on Earth as thunder and lighting.  Jack started to bleed on his face right above his left eye and SoniK started to bleed on his face right above his right eye.  "Let's go into the next stage." said Jack as he transformed.  "Fine let's do this." said SoniK as he transformed again.  Jack came at SoniK and SoniK came at Jack.  Jack and SoniK were very even until Jack tripped SoniK and cut him down the middle.  "Ok you want to play it the that way."  SoniK turned one-third dark, one-third light, and one-third red.  SoniK and Jack went in an all out attack and SoniK won after the smoke fell and same with Jack.  SoniK bent over, back in his original form, he picked up Jack broke his armor and walked toward the portal.  "Wait!" one of the guards yelled.  "You will die if you go that way." "Oh well." said SoniK as he charged forward to the portal.  SoniK walked through the portal with Jack on his shoulder.  "What happened to the ground?"  said SoniK surprised.  Jack and SoniK started to scream when they fell.  SoniK fell in the middle of the street and Jack somehow fell peacefully into his house and on his bed.  SoniK sat up and said "Ow my head."  SoniK then fell over after spitting up blood.  Another mysterious figure walked up to SoniK and said "Good it hit him well."

End Of Book One

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