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  • Dedicated to Melisa Martinez

 This is dedicated to Melisa!! For her awesome ideas, for she is the one that this is about. I love her so much and hope that she finds a solution for her problems!!<3



          The first time Elisa saw Lucas, she instantly fell in love with him. This was in 6th grade. He was the only thing she would look at. Even though her best friends told her he wasn't worth it. She didn't have them for many classes, so she enjoyed the ones she did.

          Elisa wanted to keep him all for herself, but apperantly it was impossible. Lucas was about an inch taller than Elisa. His hair matched his almost black eyes, but were covered by his rectangle shapped glasses. He was as skinny as a stick, which Elisa's friends would always make fun of but still she didn't care, she was in love.

          One thing that made her crazy was that one of her friends had him for alot classes, physical education, science, math, and health. She would always bug him by asking him if he liked Elisa, even though she had a small crush on him. But when she told Elisa, they got in a small argument then got over it.

          One day, in science class, three of the friends were asking Lucas if he liked her, and he said he did. They told him that she liked him too and were all exited to tell Elisa. Sadly, they knew that she would get mad for her secret getting spilled out by the girls she trusted with all her heart, so they planned to tell her at lunch.

          At lunch time, everyone gathered to talk to her, and once she heard those four words, she became the happiest girl ever, "He likes you, too!" From that day on, they were best friends and everytime they past by eachother they would hug.

          Everything started to change when in her art class, boys started to touch her. They would say that she let them touch her, when she actually didn't. It was her friend who liked to be touched by them and blammed it all on Elisa. The truth was that Elisa never really liked that friend, she only liked Cecilia, her best friend of all. Although she still didn't become bffs with Luisa, they were still friends.

          Like I said, boys were touching her and Lucas found out what was happening. He started teasing Elisa, telling her that she was a slut for letting herself get touched by other guys. Elisa hated that comment, but didn't change her feelings about him.

          All throughout the 6th grade, she was stuck being called nicknames, because she was a dark tan color and she had big eyes. Her friend, Cecilia, tried to stand up for her, but was backed down by the friend that started the whole mess.

          Elisa just hopped that the next year would be better. Then the school year ended and everyone was so happy.


          During the summer vacation, Lucas got a facebook and Elisa and Cecilia added him. They would chat with him and Elisa was happy that atleast he didn't call her the nicknames he used to. But the time did pass and Cecilia no longer had the crush on Lucas, Elisa was reliefed because she always had this crazy idea that he liked her, which wasn't true.

          7th grade came and the year started going by fast. Something happened with the schedules that Elisa, Cecilia, and Lucas ended up in the same enrichment class. A new guy was introduced to Elisa's life, Daniel.

          Elisa and Cecilia joined crosscountry, just to join a sport. Lucas hadn't joined any sport. He had always been a soccer kind of guy, so he was waiting for the last quarter of the year for the sport.

          During the Fall break, Elisa wanted to talk to Lucas so bad that she hooked her neighbor up with him, Cassandra. She felt stupid for the actions that she did afterwards, but didn't have anithing to do about it.

          When the got back from their two week break, basketball season was starting. The three best friends joined, Elisa, Cecilia, and Luisa. Cassandra waned to be manager of the team, so she talked to Elisa whenever she could. Something happened between Cassandra and Lucas that they just broke up. This made Elisa veryt happy.

          Lucas started dating alot of different girls, but the one that he kept breaking up with and getting back together was Jenny. Elisa just hated that girl, even though she didn't personally know her. Jenny was a short 8th grader that wore alot of make up and was super thin. Elisa was super jealous of her and wished that she disappeared.

          Then there was this girt named Lily, which was short for Liliana. She was a 7th grader, as tall as Lucas, and was also super thin. Something that Elisa and her friends noticed was that Lucas only dated anorexic like girls.

          Life was getting harder for Elisa, because now Lucas wasn't nice anymore. He was a huge jerk that fed on girl's missery, and Cecilia hated him with all her guts. She didn't know what Elisa saw in him, she wished that her friend would see the truth of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2012 ⏰

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