Story 1: Blood

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I didn't know what I would do. I didn't even know if he would be there. I didn't care what happened. I just wanted to see blood. Wonderful, luxurious, amazing blood. The color red, scarlet, maroon, whatever you wanted to call it, I loved it. I didn't used to be this way. I didn't used to kill people. Hell, I had wanted to be a doctor some time ago. 

   That's until I actually did it. I drove a knife through someones stomach. I didn't know who he was at the time. I do now, I know all their names. I had a slide of each victims blood after all. Blood. 

   And now I had a specific person in mind. Him. The one I had wanted to kill since before the beginning. Aragon Carver. My father, the one who left. Who am I you ask? Well, that ones a bit complicated. I had a lot of shit going on in my life, and to be honest, I didn't know. I still don't. But my name, that ones easy. I'm California Carver. and for those wondering why I kept my deadbeat dads last name, that's simple too. 

   Revenge. I wanted revenge. I wanted peace for me, for my poor mother. I wanted a new slide. Like Dexter, I loved blood. Oh yeah, and I was a sadist. Not a sociopath, but a sadist. In fact, that wonderful television show was the thing that inspired me to try it. Murder that is. Not microscopes. I already knew how to use microscopes. 

   California Carver, the girl who had no family. Or friends. And here I was, sitting in his office, holding onto a sexy black revolver and waiting. I needed to see blood. Now. At this point, I would kill anyone. That's when I saw him. Not my bastard father, but still another him. And he was beautiful. 

   He looked like an Adonis, a god sent down from heaven. His smile was infectious, but the smile I wore was more of a smirk. He turned and looked my way, his smile falling off of that beautiful chiseled face and he stopped. He looked at me, really looked, his golden eyes seemed to be staring into my soul. And I don't think he liked what he saw. Most don't. But that's when I knew. 

   The exact moment was 4:07. The day, Thursday. And I knew. He was the one. He would be my last. Forget my father, he suddenly didn't seem worth the bullet. My hand crafted silver bullet, like the kind used to kill werewolves. See what I did there, a bullet made to kill a dog. Whatever. It was funny to me. I smiled and sighed. I didn't care what happened. I just wanted to see blood. His blood. 


   Bang. Her gun went off and my vision went dark, blood was spilled, and sadly it wasn't his. It was hers. The sadist who wanted to end the life of the one person who ruined hers. California Carver was dead at last, and she died with a smile on her face. Surrounded by the one thing that made her happy. Blood.  


  "I didn't know what I would do. I didn't even know if he would be there. I didn't care what happened. I just wanted to see blood." 


I hope you guys liked my short chapter for the day. Don't be a ghost reader, please like and comment!

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Comment and leave suggestions and whatever writing prompt you want. 

I cant promise I'll write about it instantly, but it will get done. 

This book will have 365 chapters by 10/3/17, and I hope people will sick around to see the end... Your all beautiful, just keep being you!


Chapter 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora