Chapter 6: Setting a Trap

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"Somnambulism." stated Sir Eustace. After the long train ride, you and the two men arrived at the home of the Carmichael's. When confronting Sir Eustace about the events his wife recalled, he denied it. "I beg your pardon?" John asked him. "I sleepwalk, that's all. It's a common enough condition. I thought you were a doctor. The whole thing was a bad dream." said Sir Eustace.

As he was saying this, Sherlock was pacing around the drawing room while you and John stood side by side in front of Eustace. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at this man. Clearly something was troubling him but he wouldn't tell you three the truth. You understood that he was scared but if he valued his own life he would be a bit more corporative. "Including the contents of the envelope you received?" John asked hand Sir Eustace laughs at this.

"Well, that's a grotesque joke." He replied.

"Well that's not the impression you gave your wife, sir." You said and he turned and gave you a dark look.

Obviously he didn't like that you talked back to him. "She's an hysterics, prone to fancies." He stated. "No." said Sherlock, who stopped pacing. "I'm sorry?" Eustace asked. "He said no, she's not an hysteric. She's a highly intelligent woman of rare perception." You argued as you walked closer to the man. How dare this man call his wife crazy!

"My wife sees terror in an orange pip." Eustace spat at you.

"Your wife can see worlds where no one else can see anything of value whatsoever." Sherlock spouted back, walking closer to him as well. Now, the two of you were standing side by side in front of Sir Eustace. "Can she really? And how do you 'deduce' that, Mr Holmes and Miss (l/n)?" He asked, sarcastically.

"She married you." You stated and, out of the corner of your eye, you see John smiling at this.

"We can assume she was capable of finding a reason." Sherlock said and Eustace angrily surges at the two of you but John steps in between him and you two, ready to protect the both of you if necessary bit Sir Eustace stops as Sherlock speaks again

"I'll do my best to save your life tonight, but first it would help if you would explain your connection to the Ricoletti case." Eustace hesitates before speaking. "Ricoletti?" He asked. "Yes. In detail, please." said Sherlock. Eustace pauses again. "I've never heard of her." He stated. "Interesting. He didn't mention she was a woman." You said, looking at Sir Eustace with interest.

He swallows nervously as Sherlock said. "We'll show ourselves out. We hope to see you again in the morning." He placed his hand behind your back and slightly pushed you to the side, signaling you that it's time to leave.

As the three of you walked out, Eustace shouted "You will not!"
"Then sadly we shall be solving your murder. Good day." Sherlock replied and walked in to the entrance hall with you and John.

He takes out a notebook from his trouser pocket and writes a note onto one of the pages. "Well, you two tried." said John as the footman approach the three of you. Sherlock addresses him. "Will you see that Lady Carmichael receives this?" He asked the man and hands him the note. "Thank you. Good afternoon." Sherlock said and he, John and you walk on.

"What was that?" John asked.

"Lady Carmichael will sleep alone tonight, on the pretence of a violent headache. All doors and windows of the house will be locked." Sherlock stated as the three of you arrived to where your coats and hats were hanging. "You think the specter..." John started to say but Sherlock threw him a disapproving look.

"Er, the Bride will attempt to lure Sir Eustace outside again?" He asked putting on his coat and his scarf.

"Certainly. Why else the portentous threat? This night you will die." Sherlock said, putting on his coat. You were putting on your shawl and gloves when John asked. "Well, he won't follow her, surely?"

The Abominable Bride (Sherlock x Female!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang