He reached for my hand but stopped himself before he touched me. I folded my arms over my chest, wishing there weren't so many people here. Anatoly seemed to understand, stepping away from Levi's office.

"Dylan, don't let him take all the tomatoes," she called. "There are other foods in the world."

"They aren't as delicious!" Levi called back. "Tyson, we should get you back to Alcott's berth; you look dead tired."

"I just woke up," he protested. "How can I be tired?"

"Cryo doesn't leave you as rested as you'd think," Levi replied. "We'll get Alcott first, come on."

I reluctantly followed behind the two men. Alcott set her holo-rib down when Levi knocked.

"Ready for lunch?" he inquired.

She nodded, rising from her chair and giving me a smile as we walked together out of botany.

"Tell me honestly, Tyson; how was Levi?" Alcott asked. "Did he try to recruit you?"

Tyson shook his head. "No. He's...very enthusiastic about your work. I can't say I share such zeal."

"What a nice way to say I'm moonshy," Levi laughed. "You two should head back to your berth. Will I see you after lunch, Alcott?'

"I'll message you," she promised.

Alcott and Tyson took the next left, leaving Levi and me alone in the hallway. I let Levi take my hand and I squeezed it, glad there weren't so many people now. He limped a little with only one crutch. I wondered why he had left the other behind.

"I'm not sure what I can tell you about Tyson," he admitted. "The situation is weird and not permanent, that I can assure you."

"I thought Alcott seemed really calm," I admitted.

"What do you want to do for lunch?"

I shrugged. "I'm not particularly hungry," I admitted. "I just wanted to...apologize for not messaging you yesterday. I just was..."

"You don't have to explain," he said when I trailed off. "Do you have to hurry back?"

When I shook my head, he changed course and headed down a different a hallway. I had no idea where we were headed until we emerged in the main hall. I took a sharp breath in and pulled my hand from Levi's grasp.

"Ma belle, a moment, please," Levi said, taking her hand again. "Just a moment."

He held my hand and pulled me along into the room, past the empty rows of chairs just to the left of the dais. I almost didn't recognize the piano until Levi sat me down next to him.

"I've been teaching Sky," Levi said, lifting the cover off the keys. "So I've been practicing too."

He let go of my hand to place it on the piano keys and began to play softly. I closed my eyes, leaning against him as he played. It was more relaxing than I expected. He leaned his head on mine and kept playing for a little longer until the song was over.

"Merci," I whispered.

"It's a work in progress," Levi admitted. "Also, did I hear your stomach growl? Seasons, when was the last time you've eaten?"

"A while," I admitted. "Yesterday."

"Well, Alcott didn't eat all the cookies I made," he replied. "I have some at home. Let's go."

He pulled me up from the piano bench, grabbing his crutch before we made our way down the hall. I held his arm, wondered what time it was, and if I needed to get back to my office. It was odd hanging out with Levi in the middle of the day. It made me feel like things were normal again.

"I made videos when you were in cryo," I said.


"When you were cryo, I'd made videos like your papa did," I explained. "I used them to keep me sane. I made ones after I read your books, when I figured out how to break into cryo, all of that."

"I never knew," he told me softly. "Can I see them?"

I nodded. We made it back to the berth; I opened the door and helped Levi to the couch, handing my holo-rib over before getting the cookies from the kitchen. I heard my voice from the living room. Levi laughed.

"I forgot how much hair you had. How in the seasons did you keep it under your cap?"

"Practice?" I offered.

"You read Secret Garden first?" he questioned as we watched me prattle on the video.

"Yeah. It seemed shorter. And I liked the cover."

Levi laughed and leaned his head back on my shoulder. I smiled, lacing my fingers with his.


I was never a fan of the Secret Garden. I'm not sure why. I liked The Little Princess better, though why in my mind it was either/or, I'll never know. Thanks for reading!

If Jove Strayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें