Chapter 1

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Heatherkit heard Dawnkit and Frecklekit talking about going outside the nursery and playing once she had opened her eyes. Heatherkit also heard Beestripe telling them that she would open her eyes when she was ready. Beestripe was right she would, in fact open her eyes when she was ready.
    After her cat nap, Heatherkit yawned and she decided, that it was time. She stretched open her eyes. Frecklekit waddled over to her, "Beestripe! Dawnkit! Look! She opened her eyes!"  Dawnkit swiftly stepped over their mothers sleek tail, and looked into her eyes.
"Beestripe look! Her eyes are a beautiful green!" She exclaimed.
Beestripe turned her head and asked Heatherkit, would you like to go and explore the camp with your littermates?
"Yes!" Heatherkit replied.
"Go on then." Beestripe encouraged.
Beestripe gently nudged the kits out of the nursery, and called after them, "don't get under any warriors paws! Be safe my lovelies!"
Heatherkit was eager to explore the camp and see the trees and dens and maybe the fresh-kill pile!! Dawnkit was trying to get in front of Heatherkit and Frecklekit, but Frecklekit playfully shoved her out of the way. Dawnkit charged over to Frecklekit and knocked her over, to start a play fight. Since her sisters weren't paying attention, Heatherkit went to go explore the camp for herself. As she silently walked away from her sisters she saw a tortoiseshell apprentice grooming himself. Heatherkit walked up to the apprentice and said, "Hi I'm Heatherkit what's your name?"
"Hello Heatherkit I'm Turtlepaw, Snowclaws's apprentice." He told her.
Heatherkit wanted to be an apprentice really badly, but she wasn't even a moon old.
"Turtlepaw?" She called.
"Yes Heatherkit?"
"Do you think I will make a good apprentice?" She asked him.
"Heatherkit, I think you will be the best apprentice that the clans have ever seen." He replied.
"You really think so Turtlepaw?"
"I know so."
"Thanks Turtlepaw."
"Anytime Heatherkit. Now, shouldn't you and your sisters be going back to the nursery now?"
"I guess we should, thank you again Turtlepaw."
"I hope to see you again soon Heatherkit."
"I hope to see you again soon as well."
As she walked away she felt a warm feeling in her chest. What was it? When Heatherkit looked up she noticed Frecklekit and Dawnkit talking to a pretty she-cat with a dappled coat.
"Oh! Hey Heatherkit!" Frecklekit called. "Foxdapple was just telling us about her medicine cat duties!"
"Where have you been?" Questioned Dawnkit.
"Talking to an apprentice!" Heatherkit responded gleefully.
Dawnkit looked fascinated, what did he say?
"Not much."
Heatherkit had decided not to tell them about what she had really talked about with Turtlepaw.
"Don't you think that we should get back to the nursery?" Heatherkit asked her littermates.
"Yes you should" said Foxdapple. "Beestripe is probably worried."
"You are right Foxdapple" said Heatherkit.
"Ok." said Frecklekit sadly.
Dawnkit was upset that it was time to go, Heatherkit could tell by the look in her eyes. After what seemed like forever, Foxdapple had finally urged Dawnkit to leave the medicine clearing. The trio walked away, with Heatherkit in the lead.  When they entered the nursery Beestripe hopped up and rushed over to her daughters.
"Are you ok my lovelies?" She asked.
"Yes, we are fine, Beestripe" Frecklekit replied, annoyed at the helicopter parenting.
"Ok, good, I was worried about you." Beestripe replied as she let out a sigh of relief.
As they settled into the nest they shared, they all started to drift into sleep. Heatherkit couldn't help but think about Turtlepaw, he had created a warm feeling. The thought of him made her heart race. What was this feeling? Was it love?

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