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The ice cream was gone and so was Jimin's will to live.

"Why couldn't you have ate something else". Jimin cried out.

The hybrid jumped at the loud sound before turning to the other who was looking depressingly at the empty tub.

"You have like nothing to eat. You should go shopping more".

Jimin glared at the cat before putting the tub on the coffee table. He turned to the hybrid to see him already looking at Jimin.

"What's your name"?


"Okay Yoongi. Why would you eat another man's ice cream? Do you realize how important that tub was to me? I've waited all day for that and now it's all gone".

"I'm sorry. I haven't eaten in like a week and I was looking for a warm place to stay for a bit so I came here because I thought you weren't gonna be home for like another hour s-"

"Have you been to my apartment before"?

Yoongi froze and realized he had just fucked up.

"Y-your blanket is really soft and warm. I'm just gonna go".

Yoongi got up to and walked to his backpack on the table.

"Wait! Y-you don't have to go. Do you have a place to stay"?

Yoongi frozen again before turning to the boy who was looking at him with a worried expression.


"Stay for the night. It's really dangerous to go out at night. Mostly for a hybrid you know".

Yoongi looked deep in thought before he remembered something.

"W-what are to going to do with me"?

Jimin's eyes widened as he looked at the shaking hybrid.

"Yoongi I'm not going to do anything okay? You can sleep in my room I'll take the couch. If you don't trust me enough you can lock the door and I'll give you the key".

Yoongi looked at his shoes and bit his lips. What if he's lying to me?

"I promise I'm not going to do anything". Jimin quickly said before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

He opened his cabinet and reached up to grab the key.

When he grabbed it he shut the cabinet before walking back to the hybrid.

"Here's the key. I'm Jimin by the way. There's a radio in there if you have problems with sleeping in silence. If you want I could get you my phone so you just have something to do if you're not tired".

"You trust me with your phone? Don't you think that's a little idiotic"?

Jimin smiled at Yoongi before going back to the kitchen and grabbing his old phone that he replaced just yesterday.

He handed Yoongi the phone and the hybrid turned it around and tried to figure out how to turn it on.

"Have you never seen a phone before or something"?

Yoongi nodded before handing it back to Jimin so he can help him.

Jimin quickly taught him how to work everything before looking at the clock and realizing he had work tomorrow. He got up to go grab a pillow and blanket for himself.

When he got back he showed Yoongi to his room and quickly gave him clothes to wear.

He started walking out before Yoongi called his name.

Jimin turned around and noticed Yoongi was looking at the sweatpants.

"There isn't a hole for my tail".

Jimin blushed at his stupidity before grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting a hole in the back of it.

"There we go. Goodnight Yoongi".


Jimin trudged back to the living room before realizing he didn't grab clothes for himself. He was sure the hybrid has most likely locked the door by now, so he sighed loudly and shuffled off his shoes then crawling under the blanket on his couch.

If Yoongi kills me I'm suing

Ice Cream {Yoonmin}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat