10th chapter: To trust another

Start from the beginning

"38,3◦C. Well it's not as bad as I was expecting." mother let out.

"See, I'm okay. You don't have to call a day off just because of me. I'll be fine." I smiled slightly and mother started to ponder for a while.

"I'll be back earlier today." she finally exclaimed making up her mind. "If anything happens call me immediately, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!" I jokingly answered.

More relaxed mother smiled back at me.

"You have yesterday's food in the fridge so don't forget to eat before taking the medicine."

"I know." I answered again and she sighed.

"Take care sweetie." after kissing my warm forehead she left but not before looking back at me to make sure I was really alright.

I heard the door close and lazily got up wanting to change back to my pajamas in order to not get my school uniform with wrinkles and after achieving my goal I collapsed on the bed laying on my side and covering myself with the bed sheets. It wasn't too long before I fell into a deep slumber.

Heart's PoV

The bell rung announcing lunch time but my mind was somewhere else. Mia hadn't been to school due to a simple cold, as the teacher had stated, however I couldn't shake off the feeling it was much more than that; exhaustion from yesterday's fight which was taking a toll on Mia's body was what I suspected had happened and let's just say I wasn't the only one.

"Speak!" someone almost screamed in my ears.

"Reyen, stop nagging me. This does not concern you." I spoke walking past him and ignoring whatever he had left to say.

Not once in my life had I come across someone who could shake me off of my calm self so much as him, somewhere inside me I couldn't stand seeing him around Mia and his never fading persistence just made it all a bit more annoying.

I let out another sigh whilst rubbing my temples, I was definitely getting out of character, this was not who I was. Calm, composed, reasonable, these were my best traits, however every time the topic concerned Reyen I always ended up annoyed, somehow angry and most of all I allowed my emotions to take control of my mind; all this strange behavior had only one explanation: I had contacted some kind of a human disease, no doubt about that.

"Richard, wait!" I heard Reyen's voice ring in my ears once again and slowly, trying to maintain my composure, I turned around to face the source of it.

"What?" I asked calmly.

"I just need to know if Mia is alright."

"It is only a cold, she should be fine."

Reyen looked surprised for a moment but then, with a serious expression on his face, continued.

"We both know that's not the truth."

"What part? Mia having a cold or being fine?" I defiantly asked him but he didn't back down.

"Could you stop joking around for a second and take me seriously?" getting angry Reyen spoke. "I have no idea what's going on or what connection you have with Mia, but if she gets hurt because of your schemes I'll beat you up to a pulp."

"I thought we had cleared that misunderstanding last time." I let out clenching my fists. "The last thing I want is to hurt her."

Reyen opened his mouth to speak but soon closed it as the sound of a growling stomach invaded the air.

"You should go and eat before lunch time is over." I exclaimed with a soft smile.

"Shut up!" he pouted like a little kid. "That was definitely your stomach.

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