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All families start somewhere.This one started with a brother and a sister and grew from there.

Previous Day

"Dammit Michael! He's our best friend!" Screamed Ashton, slamming the kitchen draws.

"He was there when you weren't, he took care of Kit when you were off in another country doing God knows what!" Michael shouted back, turning a blotchy red from anger.

"I was paying the bills, working my ass off so that Kit could make it to a good college while you were screwing my best friend behind my back." Ashton croaked out, choking back a sob.

Michael sighed, standing up and pushing in his chair,"I was lonely and I made a mistake. If you can't try to accept that and go to counseling, then I guess it's over." He exclaimed, walking out of the kitchen.

Michael lies in bed, staring at his ceiling. He remembers when he, Ashton, and their baby girl Kit first moved in. They argued about the color of the living room and now. Now it's about his marriage.

He loves Ashton with all of his heart, but right now, he's not sure if he regrets sleeping with Calum or hurting Ashton. Calum had been there. And now he had fallen in love. Yes, this may make him a selfish bastard but he can't help it. Love comes out of the strangest places.

Ashton sits at the wooden oak kitchen table, with his head in his hands. He wonders when life got this bad. He's got a husband who says he loves him, but never shows it and a kid who only speaks to him if spoken to first. He only wanted to provide for his family including Mooke, his stepson, but at what cost? Ashton understands what being lonely feels like, but did Michael really feel the need to cheat? He couldn't pick up the phone and call? No. This is not only his fault. Yes Michael cheated but Ashton gave him enough room to do it. He left his family behind and didn't expect the consequences. He only thought of the good. Well not anymore. He's going to fix his broken family, Ashton will be going to the counseling. He will be picking up the pieces of what was once a beautiful family. They will no longer live in a broken home.

it's not a lot but i hope everyone enjoyed! leave comments.

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