Chapter Four: Found & Shot

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September 16

He was up on one knee ready to shoot when his fellow Marine James stepped out of the brush. Jake lowered his gun and let out a sigh of relief. James shouted over his shoulder to the other Marines saying that he had found Jake.

Jake got to his feet as the other Marines emerged from the brush. They were all glad to see him and each Marine gave Jake a hug. James told Jake that they were beginning to give up but then he found him. 

As Jake's fellow Marines started to walk back the way they came, there was a loud shot then Jake fell /4to the ground. He'd been shot in the side. James shouted orders to the other men as he lifted Jake up off the ground and started running the way they had come. With his fellow Marines close behind they ran for miles before they stopped to make camp. It was beginning to get dark so they couldn't reach the base until morning came.

James laid Jake down on the ground and started to dress Jake's wound. James finally said to Jake, "You're going to need surgery to get that bullet out. We'll make it back to base by morning. You'll have that bullet removed and then they'll send you home."

Jake sat up as far as he could and frantically asked, "How's Emma? Is she okay? I bet she's worried as hell!"

James took a minute before he answered Jake, "Sargent O'Bryan told her that you were MIA. When she fell to the ground she cracked her knee cap in half..."

Jake cut James off, "How's the baby? Is it okay?"

James smiled, "The baby is perfectly fine. She found out she's two months along and the baby should be born in mid April."

Jake smiled and took out his journal and began to write,

September 16

Today I was found by some fellow Marines. I found out that the baby's due in mid April and that Emma has a cracked knee cap. Hoping that I'll be home in the next few days to see my beautiful wife.

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